Embedded Vision Insights: November 13, 2012 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

In the previous edition of the Embedded Vision Insights newsletter, I indicated that we'd recently bolstered the amount of published video content sourced from the September Embedded Vision Summit to approximately six hours of cumulative material. You can now add around another hour's worth of video to that tally, with yet another clip still to come. I recently re-watched some of the content cache in the process of bolstering each video's associated description text, and it's quite outstanding both in its embedded vision topic diversity, depth and technical accuracy.

If you haven't yet perused the video content overview page on the Embedded Vision Alliance website, I encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience. We're all perpetually busy, I know, but this will be a time and attention investment well spent for your long-term education enhancement. Perhaps the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday will provide the necessary schedule "breathing room?"

Speaking of perpetually busy, the Alliance team is putting final preparations in place for next month's Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit in Austin, Texas. Development is also already well underway for the next Embedded Vision Summit public event, currently scheduled for the week of April 22-25 in conjunction with the DESIGN West conference in San Jose, California. And nearer term, the Alliance plans to have a presence at December's Touch-Gesture-Motion conference in Austin, next January's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, and several other upcoming industry events.

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. And remember: whenever you think of an idea for how the Alliance can do a better job of servicing your needs, I'm only an email away.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: "Introduction to Embedded Vision," Jeff Bier, Embedded Vision Alliance
Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance, presents the day-opening "Introduction to Embedded Vision" tutorial at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Topics discussed by Bier in his presentation include a technology overview, application examples, hardware, software and development tool trends, and an overview of the Embedded Vision Alliance.

Texas Instruments' Multi-Core DSPs Bring Advanced Analytics and Intelligence to Video Surveillance
As the needs of businesses, governments and financial institutions drive new uses for video surveillance systems, there is a growing demand for increased analytics and more "vision" and intelligence in the end equipment. This evolution is pushing the need for additional processing power; the type of performance offered by multicore processors. This Ask the Expert video from Texas Instruments briefly explains how multicore DSPs are well suited to meet the processing and analytics needs of video surveillance equipment.

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More for Less: VSaaS in the Business Market
Video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) must provide more for less – a key takeaway from this year’s MVaaS Summit hosted by Envysion, and held in Boulder Colo., U.S. from the 7th to the 9th of October. IMS Research Market Analyst Sam Grinter attended the Summit and states, “A VSaaS solution must return on the initial investment as soon as possible by incorporating multiple applications and functions to add value over a ‘traditional’ video surveillance system.” Return on investment is achieved through limiting employee shrinkage, providing evidence to counter fraudulent claims, and generally increasing operational efficiency. More

DSP and FPGA Suppliers Vie for Growing Embedded Vision Market
Embedded vision systems for various markets, from industrial automation to transportation to surveillance to defense, are set to improve accuracy and safety in critical situations. Traditionally, vision systems that are able to interact with the world around them have been dismissed as science fiction, but advancements in embedded image processors have DSP and FPGA vendors developing platforms with new capabilities in a wide range of applications that are giving vision system designers the tools to create systems that can truly "see and understand." More

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HD Video Processing using Xilinx's Zynq-7000 EPP for Intelligent Video Systems

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Freescale Advances Driver Assistance Market with Smart Camera Technology

CogniMem Technologies Garners Frost & Sullivan Technology Accolades

Kinect for Windows Advancements: 3-D Modeling and JavaScript Projects

The Society for Information Display Showcases Gesture Interfaces

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