Embedded Vision Insights: January 29, 2013 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

At the beginning of the month, I pointed out the most recent press release from the Embedded Vision Alliance, which announced new members Digital Media Professionals and LSI. I also mentioned that PathPartner Technology had more recently joined the Alliance. And at this time, I'm happy to pass along news of a further expansion of the Alliance membership, to include processor core supplier Tensilica. Several additional Alliance members-to-be are in the process of completing their enrollment paperwork, and I look forward to telling you about them in future newsletter editions.

The company overview on Tensilica's website notes, "As the recognized leader in customizable DPUs [dataplane processor units], Tensilica is helping top-tier semiconductor companies, innovative start-ups and system OEMs build high-volume, trend-setting products. Tensilica’s IP cores power SoC designs at system OEMs and seven of the top 10 semiconductor companies for designs in mobile wireless, telecom and network infrastructure, computing and storage, and home and auto entertainment." By virtue of its membership in the Alliance, Tensilica has clearly identified embedded vision as a key growth market opportunity, both today and in the future. Welcome, Tensilica!

Two weeks ago, I mentioned that online registration had just become available for the upcoming April 25 Embedded Vision Summit, to be held in San Jose, California. I've subsequently added to the website a preliminary agenda of the day's events, which we'll further fill out in the coming days and weeks as we identify specific keynoters, tutorial presenters and topics. The Embedded Vision Summit is a technical educational forum for engineers interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. I encourage you to reserve the time on your calendar and submit a registration application right now, while you're thinking of it, in order to increase your likelihood of securing a spot in this limited-space event.

Finally, I’m also very excited to share a new batch of excellent video content just published on the site. It includes technology and product demonstrations from Alliance members eyeSight Mobile Technologies and Omek Interactive at the early-January Consumer Electronics Show, Analog Devices' presentation on its BF60x family of embedded vision processors at the 2012 IEEE Hot Chips symposium, and a tutorial on the Android imaging software stack (and associated hardware) delivered by Aptina's Balwinder Kaur and Joe Rickson. Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Let me know how the Alliance can do a better job of servicing your needs.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


December 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit Technology Trends Presentation: Mobile Electronics Opportunities
Brian Dipert and BDTI Senior Software Engineer Eric Gregori co-deliver an embedded vision application technology trends presentation at the December 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit. Brian and Eric discuss embedded vision opportunities in mobile electronics devices. They quantify the market sizes and trends for smartphones and tablets, along with detailing the robust hardware, operating systems and development tools available. They then discuss a diversity of mobile embedded vision application categories, focusing in particular on three; gesture interfaces, augmented reality, and computational photography. They also make a point of noting why mobile electronics developments will be of interest even to embedded vision industry participants in other market segments.

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: "Moving Object Segmentation for Security and Surveillance Applications," Texas Instruments
Goksel Dedeoglu, Manager of the Embedded Vision Team at Texas Instruments' Systems and Applications R&D Center, presents the "Moving Object Segmentation for Security and Surveillance Applications" tutorial, part of the "Embedded Vision Applications and Algorithms" technical session at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Goksel’s presentation defines the purpose and uses of MOS (moving object segmentation) functions. It also outlines specific case studies, market challenges and performance benchmarks of MOS applications, and highlights TI’s Vision Library as a resource for MOS-related developments.

More Videos


How to Implement Automotive Smart Rear-View Cameras
This article by Tom Wilson, vice president of business development at Alliance member CogniVue, describes an embedded vision system for a smart back-up camera with object detection, tracking and distance estimation. The requirements, challenges and outcome of creating a smart rear-view camera system designed to reduce back-overs, fatalities and injuries are presented. Performing object detection and distance estimation using a single-sensor based 1" cube camera presented significant challenges, but in the end a successful implementation was achieved. Lessons learned were many, and will help ease the development path for future embedded vision successes. More

The Changing Role of the Security Systems Integrator
A new report from IMS Research has found that the transition to IP-based technology in the security industry is changing the role of its systems integrators. Factors such as an increasingly competitive environment as new IT integrators enter the marketplace, declining product margins, and the increased importance of networking knowledge, are all contributing to this change. On the bright side, there are rewards for those integrators that adapt. The world market for systems integration is forecast to grow at an average rate of almost 10 percent to 2016. More

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Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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