October 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Technical Presentation: “The DARPA Visual Media Reasoning Program,” Mike Geertsen, DARPA

Mike Geertsen, Program Manager at DARPA, presents the "DARPA Visual Media Reasoning Program" tutorial within the "Algorithm Development Techniques and Tools" technical session at the October 2013 Embedded Vision Summit East.

Under the Visual Media Reasoning (VMR) program, DARPA has facilitated the development of a range of innovative computer vision technologies, all focused on a common question: can a meta-reasoning (i.e. "lightweight AI") system that fuses and reasons over the input of multiple "fragile" vision algorithms dramatically improve system performance? As part of this program, DARPA has created two general-purpose vision system development tools which DARPA and its contractors will make widely available.

One of these tools enables the automated evaluation of vision algorithm performance over a massive parameter space. The other enables generation of synthetic image content for use in training and testing detection and recognition algorithms. These tools are planned to be released as an adjunct to the OpenCV open source computer vision software library in late 2013 or early 2014. At the Embedded Vision Summit, Mike Geertsen, DARPA Program Manager, presented an overview of the VMR program and the enabling tools developed under it.

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