Introduction to OpenCV for Tegra

Do you want to write your own blazing fast, interactive mobile apps using computer vision technology? Apps that can make your camera smarter, find people's faces, understand their gestures, interpret scenes and augment them with graphics? The Tegra super chip and the OpenCV for Tegra library can help you to do just that! OpenCV for Tegra is a highly optimized port of the OpenCV library for NVIDIA's Tegra chip. It runs on Android. It has ~2500 image processing and computer vision functions.

In this session, we will introduce you to OpenCV for Tegra, its functionality, and some things you can do with it. We'll show you how to easily start developing with it by downloading the Tegra Android Development Pack. We'll walk you through how to use OpenCV for Tegra in your Android apps. And finally, for published apps we'll describe how the OpenCV Manager service can automatically manage OpenCV for Tegra libraries on end users' devices.

Please see here for a downloadable set of presentation slides in PDF format, along with a downloadable version of the video.

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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