The Embedded Vision Summit West: Its Technical Presentation Program Is The Very Best


I'm writing this particular news post exactly three weeks from the start of the Embedded Vision Summit, and with every passing day I'm growing ever more excited for the event to happen. Key to my enthusiasm (albeit by no means the only reason) is the technical presentation program, spanning sixteen half-hour talks from fifteen member company representatives.

The presentations cluster around the two main themes of the conference, visual recognition and visual autonomy. Under the visual recognition theme, we will cover vision technologies that enable machines to detect and understand specific objects in images, such as people, bicycles, or license plates. Visual recognition-themed presentations will cover topics such as facial expression, gesture interfaces, and contextual understanding.

Under the visual autonomy theme, we will cover technologies that support semi- or fully-autonomous machine behaviors, such as self-driving cars and drones. Visual autonomy-themed presentations will cover topics such as visual tracking, localization, detection and reasoning about obstacles in the world for safe operation.

Check out the program overview. Then check out the in-depth program abstracts, and the presenter biographies. And then head to the event registration page, and submit an online application right away. Last year's event sold out, so don't delay…register today! I'll see you there!

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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