Embedded Vision Insights: June 3, 2014 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,Embedded Vision Summit West

Last Thursday's Embedded Vision Summit West was an absolutely amazing day. The keynotes from Yann LeCun of Facebook and Nathaniel Fairfield of Google provided compelling insights into the future of vision-enabled recognition and autonomy. The sixteen technical presentations from Alliance member companies and partners supplied an abundance of know-how on a diversity of vision processing topics. And in the technology showcase, more than twenty member companies and partners delivered demonstrations of vision technologies and products.

Whether or not you were present in person, visit the Embedded Vision Academy area of the Alliance website, where you can now download the Summit presentation slides. In the coming weeks, they'll be joined by videos of the presentations and demonstrations. Sign up for the Alliance's Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter social media channels, along with its RSS feed, and you'll receive proactive notification each time a new piece of content appears.

And of course, while you're up on the Alliance website, make sure you also check out all of the other great new content regularly published there. Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Please don't hesitate to let me know how the Alliance can better service your needs.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


Embedded Vision Summit Technical Presentation: "Integrating Embedded Vision and Motion Control," Christopher Malato, National InstrumentsNational Instruments
Christopher Malato, Systems Engineer at National Instruments, presents the "Integrating Embedded Vision and Motion Control" tutorial within the "Embedded Vision Applications" technical session at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit.

Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting Product Demonstration: XilinxXilinx
Jim Heaton, FAE at Xilinx, demonstrates the company's Zynq ZC702-based image processing kit at the March 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting.

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Vision: The Promise & Challenge of Heterogeneous ProcessingAuviz Systems
Over the last several years, improvements in digital chip manufacturing have failed to deliver the kind of gains in performance, energy efficiency, and cost effectiveness that we had previously grown accustomed to. In response, semiconductor suppliers have turned to multicore processors as the way forward. For the most demanding applications, heterogeneous multicore architectures often yield the best bang for the buck (or Watt). And these days, many of the most demanding applications are those involving visual intelligence — or as we like to call it, "embedded vision." More

What’s Machine Learning? Thanks to GPU Accelerators, You’re Already Soaking In ItNVIDIA
Machine learning is just what it sounds like: training computers to teach themselves by sifting through data – for example, learning to identify a fox by analyzing lots of images of dogs, ferrets, jackals, raccoons and other animals, including foxes. Just how people learn. While this is a powerful tool, machine learning algorithms can require thousands of CPU-based servers to review staggering amounts of data. That’s expensive, unrealistic and impractical. But, it’s a job that’s well suited for Tesla GPU accelerators. More

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CogniVue Launches APEX Partner Program at Embedded Vision Summit

Freescale Collaborates with Neusoft and Green Hills Software to Deliver Development Ecosystem for ADAS Vision Applications

DMP Expands Image Cognition Processor IP "APEX ICP" Sales to Taiwan Market

Qualcomm Adds 3D Reconstruction to Qualcomm Vuforia Mobile Vision Platform with New Smart Terrain Feature

videantis Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary as a Leading Video Semiconductor IP Supplier

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