Embedded Vision Insights: February 24, 2015 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,Embedded Vision Alliance Survey

Back in mid-January, I mentioned that I'd just returned from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which was well represented with Embedded Vision Alliance member companies, and that we were about to begin editing the nearly twenty videos of interviews and demonstrations that I shot there. I'm happy to announce that the first set of those videos is now published on the Alliance website.

My interviews were conducted with capable industry analysts representing different market segments. Ian Riches, Director of Global Automotive Practice at Strategy Analytics, discussed with me the history, current status, and future trends in vision-based ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems). Ian and his firm are likely familiar names to many of you; he was co-author of a vision-in-ADAS article published by the Alliance last fall, and his colleague Roger Lanctot gave a presentation at a 2014 Alliance Member Meeting. My other CES interviewee, John Feland, Founder and CEO of Alliance member company Argus Insights, may also be familiar to you from his past published presentations. John and I talked about vision processing in consumer electronics devices, both in general and specific to developments at CES.

In addition to these interviews, we’ve just published product and technology demonstrations from Altera (stereo vision), CogniVue (ADAS and consumer electronics applications), NVIDIA (user interface design) and videantis (low-latency video compression). More videos from these and other member companies will appear on the website in the coming weeks. If you subscribe to the Alliance's RSS feed or social media channels on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook, you'll receive proactive notification of new content as it appears on the site.

And speaking of conferences, last time I mentioned the two scheduled keynote presenters for the upcoming Embedded Vision Summit: Baidu's Dr. Ren Wu and Dyson' Mike Aldred. Since then, we've also posted details on the initial set of technical session presenters. The Embedded Vision Summit, taking place on May 12 in Santa Clara, California, is a technical educational forum for engineers interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. Bracketing the Summit on May 11 and 13 are a series of half- and full-day in-depth technical workshops. Don't delay; register today while the "early bird" discount rate is still available!

Finally, I want to alert you to an opportunity to help out the Alliance and, in the process, potentially win a cool tech prize. The Alliance is performing research to better understand what types of technologies are needed by product developers who are incorporating computer vision in new systems and applications. To help guide suppliers in creating the technologies that will be most useful to you, please take a few minutes to fill out this brief survey; the deadline is this Friday, February 27. As a token of our appreciation, upon completing the survey you will be entered into a drawing to win one of the following three prizes:

  • Choice of iPad 4 or Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2
  • Choice of iPad Mini or Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (7-Inch)
  • Pebble Smartwatch for iPhone and Android

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Whenever you have an idea as to how the Alliance can better service your needs, you know where to find me.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


"Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics," A Presentation from Prism SkylabsPrism Skylabs
Doug Johnston, Founder and Vice President of Technology at Prism Skylabs, delivers the presentation "Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant: A Look Inside Prism Skylabs and Retail Analytics" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Doug explains how his firm is using vision to provide retailers with actionable intelligence based on consumer behavior.

Almalence Demonstration of its "Super Sensor" Computational Photography AlgorithmsAlmalence
Eugene Panich, CEO of Almalence, demonstrates the company's latest vision technologies and products at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Almalence's "Super Sensor" computational photography algorithms deliver increased resolution, dynamic range and low light sensitivity.

More Videos


Computer Vision Metrics: Survey, Taxonomy, and AnalysisComputer Vision Metrics
The Embedded Vision Alliance is pleased to provide you with a free electronic copy of this in-depth technical resource, with book chapters available on the Alliance website in both HTML and PDF formats. Computer Vision Metrics provides an extensive survey and analysis of over 100 current and historical feature description and machine vision methods, with a detailed taxonomy for local, regional and global features. The book provides the necessary background to develop intuition about why interest point detectors and feature descriptors actually work, as well as how they are designed, along with observations about tuning the methods for achieving robustness and invariance targets for specific applications. Also see the Alliance's interview with author Scott Krig, as well as Krig's presentation at a recent Alliance Member Meeting. More

Indian Video Surveillance Market Growth to AccelerateIHS
The Indian market for video surveillance equipment exceeded $300 million for the first time in 2013 and is forecast to grow at an increasing rate over the next five years, according to IHS. Much of the market growth is forecast to come from increased government spending. In June 2014, a new government was elected in India. It won enough seats to govern without the support of other parties. Such independence is expected to help the new government push through the difficult economic reforms that are necessary for India to return to higher rates of GDP growth. It is also expected to help push through spending on public projects which have previously struggled to gain final approval. Demand for video surveillance equipment is therefore forecast to grow quickly in such end-user sectors as city surveillance, traffic monitoring, railways, and education. More

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Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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