Embedded Vision Insights: October 13, 2016 Edition



"Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles," a Keynote Presentation from NASA JPLNASA JPL
Say you’re an autonomous rover and you’ve just landed on Mars. Vexing questions now confront you: “Where am I and how am I moving?” “What obstacles are around me?” “Are the obstacles moving?” “What other objects are around me that matter to my mission?” As it turns out, Earth isn’t that different from Mars in this regard. If you’re an autonomous car or drone, you face similar challenges. You’ve got to find combinations of sensors that work across different illumination, weather, temperature, and vehicle dynamics; processors that fit the size, weight, and power constraints of the system; and algorithms that can answer the questions given the sensors and processors available. In this talk, Larry Matthies, senior research scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, gives an overview of autonomous vehicle computer vision applications, explores successful approaches, and illustrates concepts with application examples from applications on Earth and in planetary exploration.

"Opportunities and Hurdles for Embedded Vision in Augmented Reality," a Presentation from ABI ResearchABI Research
Sam Rosen, Vice President at ABI Research, shares highlights of his firm’s research on augmented reality market opportunities in this recent presentation.

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Computer Vision Evolves Towards UbiquityEmbedded Vision Alliance
"Key to an understanding of how computer vision will further evolve," writes Embedded Vision Alliance founder Jeff Bier in this column based on his recent Embedded Vision Summit plenary session, "is the realization that it is an enabling technology, not an end in itself. As with other technologies such as speech recognition, vision will eventually become ubiquitous and, in the process, invisible. Similar to other technologies that have already become success stories, as computer vision technology improves, new applications are enabled. Some of these applications become successful, and this success encourages further industry investment to further improve the underlying technology." More

Deep Learning on Mobile Devices at the Embedded Vision Summit 2016Imagination Technologies
"It was clear at the Embedded Vision Summit ," writes Chris Longstaff, Director of Business Development at Imagination Technologies," that the time of computer vision and deep learning on mobile had finally arrived. Interest in the area is growing noticeably – the Summit program expanded from one to two days this year, there were an impressive number of attendees, and the Technology Showcase was busy throughout the show. The overall industry sentiment seems to be that while vision is still quite a difficult challenge, it is more and more becoming a solvable problem. There is active development for vision processing applications in multiple different market segments." More

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VeriSilicon Webinar – Learning at the Speed of Sight: October 19, 2016, 10 am PT

Image Sensors Americas: October 25-26, 2016, San Francisco, California

Image Sensors Auto US: October 27-28, 2016, San Francisco, California

Xilinx Webinar Series – Vision with Precision: Medical Imaging: November 2, 2016, 10 am PT

Xilinx Webinar Series – Vision with Precision: Augmented Reality: December 6, 2016, 10 am PT

Embedded Vision Summit: May 1-3, 2017, Santa Clara, California

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Algolux Announces CRISP-ML, the Industry’s First Machine Learning Platform for Optimizing Vision Systems

Allied Vision to Exhibit New Camera Models for Embedded, Multispectral and High-resolution Imaging at VISION 2016

NXP Introduces Multisensory Automotive eCockpit Platform to Advance Multimedia Experiences in Future Cars

Basler Welcomes a New Regional Sales Manager for the US Southeast

Fifth-Generation CEVA Imaging and Vision Technology Simplifies Delivery of Powerful Deep Learning Solutions on Low-Power Embedded Devices

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