“1,000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance

Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and Co-founder and President of BDTI, presents the "1000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit.

Just a few years ago, it was inconceivable that everyday devices would incorporate visual intelligence. Now it’s clear that visual intelligence will be ubiquitous soon. How soon? Faster than you might think, thanks to three key accelerating factors.

In the next few years, we'll see roughly a 10x improvement in cost-performance and energy efficiency at each of three layers: algorithms, software techniques, and processor architecture. Combined, this means that we can expect roughly a 1,000x improvement. So, tasks that today require hundreds of watts of power and hundreds of dollars' worth of silicon will soon require less than a watt of power and less than a dollar's worth of silicon. This will be world-changing, enabling even very cost-sensitive devices, like toys, to incorporate sophisticated visual perception.

In this talk, Bier explains how innovators across the industry are delivering this 1,000X improvement very rapidly. He also highlights end-products that are showing us what’s possible in this new era, and important challenges that remain.

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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