Baumer SmartApplets: The Easy and Cost-efficient Way to Master Complex Tasks in Image Processing


(11/14/2017) With new SmartApplets, Baumer is the first camera manufacturer to introduce an innovative concept to quickly and easily increase the application-specific functionalities of cameras with FPGA-based image processing. SmartApplets can be conveniently transferred to the LX VisualApplets cameras by means of a firmware update so the camera is immediately ready for use. As a result, even non-expert users benefit from ready-to-operate solutions for common tasks in image processing without the need to build up special know-how in FPGA programming. They are also no longer required to define image processing algorithms on their own, which allows for a more rapid response to market requirements and significantly cuts down on development costs.

By the end of the year, the first six SmartApplets to solve common image processing tasks will be available on the Baumer website for free download:

  • Binarization: Adaptive binarization enables reduced data amount as well as high resolution and processing speed even by using GigE transmission.
  • HDR: HDR image calculation in image sequences with different exposure times simplifies reliable evaluation of bright and dark areas within a single scene.
  • Image Aggregation: Merging multiple images with small ROIs with extremely high frame rates simplifies image data transfer and reduces CPU load.
  • JPEG: Configurable lossy image compression helps reduce the amount of image data to be transferred and archived.
  • Line Scan Emulation: Simplified integration by emulating a line scan camera with a matrix sensor.
  • Object Extraction: Object localization and extraction cuts down on the amount of data and simplifies evaluation.

Where standard SmartApplets functionalities do not suffice in specific applications, VisualApplets allows users to perform easy and cost-effective adjustments.

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Baumer Group

The Baumer Group is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of sensors, encoders, measuring instruments and components for automated image processing. Baumer combines innovative technologies and customer-oriented service into intelligent solutions for factory and process automation and offers an unrivalled wide technology and product portfolio. With around 2,400 employees and 38 subsidiaries in 19 countries, the family-owned group of companies is always close to the customer. Baumer provides clients in most diverse industries with vital benefits and measurable added value by worldwide consistent high quality standards and outstanding innovative potential. Learn more at on the internet.

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