Edge AI and Vision Insights: September 2, 2020 Edition


Dear Colleague,Embedded Vision Summit

There’s less than two weeks until the Embedded Vision Summit—the premier conference for innovators adding computer vision and AI to products. This year the event is going virtual on September 15-25 and will have the same excellent content and even greater opportunities to connect with experts—except now it’s become easier to attend. With a lot of returning and new attendees, it’s surely going to be quite the event!

We are dedicating this issue of Edge AI and Vision Insights to covering the exciting program, jam-packed with speakers, presentations, workshops, exhibits and some new features. If you haven’t already, grab your seat today and use promo code CD20EVSNL-V to get 10% off your Summit pass when you register before September 9. See all that the Summit has to offer in one place, by viewing the full agenda here.

The Summit team prides itself on vetting the brightest and best in computer vision and AI across a gamut of verticals. Our speakers are laser focused on passing on the tips, tricks and insights to give you the ability to hit the ground running after the Summit. We have 75+ speakers from the likes of Intel, Facebook, Samsung, Comcast, NVIDIA and even John
!Also hot on our list, our Keynote and General Session speakers:

David Patterson, our keynote speaker, is a true visionary in computer science and engineering and a prolific innovator, from co-inventing the RISC architecture to his leadership on the Google TPU processor used for accelerating machine learning workloads. Patterson’s talk, “A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture: Processor Innovation to Enable Ubiquitous AI,” is a must-see for anyone creating machine-learning systems or processors, and you can also listen in and pick his brain in an exclusive, extended follow-up Q&A session.

Bill Pearson, Vice President of Intel’s Internet of Things Group, will also give a General Session presentation at the Summit, “Streamline, Simplify, and Solve for the Edge of the Future,” on the most important challenges facing edge AI developers today, and Intel’s vision for how the industry must evolve to reach its true potential.

We couldn’t be more excited for this line-up! The Summit’s sessions span across four robust tracks: Technical Insights, Business Insights, Fundamentals and Enabling Technologies. There are speakers discussing everything from “An Introduction to Machine Learning and How to Teach Machines to See” to “Market Trends in Automotive Perception: From Insect-Like to Human-Like Intelligence” to “Improving Power Efficiency for Edge Inferencing with Memory Management Optimizations.”

Here’s a list of session topics: https://embeddedvisionsummit.com/schedule/

There will be 48+ top-notch exhibitors and sponsors represented at the Summit with opportunities to explore the new game-changing technologies in computer vision and AI that can give attendees and their products the foundation for a competitive edge. Attendees will get the latest on new commercially-available processors, algorithms, libraries, development tools, services enabling vision capabilities and much more. From Arrow to Xperi (almost A-Z!) you can see the full list here.
The Summit also brings a great seminar and some insightful hands-on workshops. Take a look to see which ones are right for you and register by clicking the links below.

(Please note the above Workshops require separate registration and cost an additional $25 each.)

Panel Discussions: Pick up on these two hot topics, “Opportunities and Challenges in Realizing the Potential for AI at the Edge: Update from the Front Lines” and “Future of Image Sensors – An Expert Panel Sponsored by Applied Materials,” in CV and AI and see what these industry experts think.

Expert Bars: An Expert Bar is an hour-long event in which you get a chance to ask your toughest questions directly to industry experts from our sponsors and exhibitors. Companies participating include:

Over-the-Shoulder Tutorials: YouTube is great, but when you get stumped, you can’t ask questions. In contrast, Over-the-Shoulder Tutorials are 50-minute deep-dive sessions with subject matter experts who will screen share with you and lead you through a step-by-step demonstration of their product. Avnet will give an in-depth look at “Accelerating Time to an Image Processing Prototype” and Arrow will show how to do “AI Powered People Detection Using Time of Flight Data.”

Connect with Your Peers: The Summit is a golden opportunity to make important connections. That’s why, even in a virtual world, we’ve made it easy to directly access the companies and contacts you’re looking for. You can use our event platform to easily reach out to speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and other attendees to connect with folks and get your questions answered. We’ve even set up an easy to use “tagging” system that allows you to indicate what kinds of connections you’re interested in making!

Wow. That’s a lot of stuff. We look forward to seeing you at the Summit!

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Edge AI and Vision Alliance

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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