Pavel Tcherniaev, Senior Software Development Engineer at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Tcherniaev demonstrates MIVisionX and rocAL, two of the company’s computer vision and machine learning solutions.
AMD’s MIVisionX is a set of comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries, utilities, and applications bundled into a single toolkit. rocAL, part of MIVisionX, is used to load, decode and augment data for deep learning, including the creation and validation of massive vision datasets. This demo shows the deployment of MIVisionX across several multi-GPU AMD systems, exemplifying industry-leading scaling using Kubernetes for inference. The demo also shows rocAL being used to process and augment images for deep learning training using PyTorch and TensorFlow with multiple GPUs.