Oculi Enables Always-on, Low Power Consumption, IoT Wireless Smart Imagers

“Machine vision is not about pretty images. It really should be about efficiency: How do we get the information in an efficient way?” stated Charbel Rizk, PhD, CEO of Oculi to EETimes in a recently published article.

This video is one example of how our software-defined vision sensor can enable unparalleled efficiency for your resource constrained computer vision application. From full frames, to smart events and actionable signals, the OCULI SPU™ delivers more information with less data in real-time!

Get in touch at [email protected] if you are curious to see how our technology enables always on, wireless, low bandwidth infrastructure monitoring applications.

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



1646 N. California Blvd.,
Suite 360
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 USA

Phone: +1 (925) 954-1411
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