Supercharge Edge AI with NVIDIA TAO on Edge Impulse

We are excited to announce a significant leap forward for the edge AI ecosystem. NVIDIA’s TAO Toolkit is now fully integrated into Edge Impulse, enhancing our platform’s capabilities and creating new possibilities for developers, engineers, and businesses alike.

Check out the Edge Impulse documentation for more information on how to get started with NVIDIA TAO in your Edge Impulse project!

Get to market faster

The integration of NVIDIA TAO facilitates the building of efficient models faster by combining the power of transfer learning and the latest NVIDIA TAO models. These can be deployed across the entire Edge Impulse ecosystem of devices, silicon, and sensors. This comprehensive integration simplifies the edge AI development process and reduces time-to-market, giving you a critical competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

From MCUs to GPUs: All-in-one edge AI solution

Our all-in-one solution enables you to collect data, train and validate your models, and optimize libraries to run on any edge device. The platform scales from extremely low-power MCUs to efficient Linux CPU targets, GPUs, and NPUs. The result is a seamless, flexible solution tailored to the specific needs of edge AI development.

Fast track to enterprise-grade production

NVIDIA TAO comes packed with over 100 NVIDIA-optimized model architectures, like transformers and fully attentional networks, allowing developers to get a jump-start on their model development. You can quickly fine-tune these models with your own data, enabling a faster, more streamlined development process and a quicker path to enterprise-grade production.

Do more with less data

The integration also enhances data collection from any edge device, improving efficiency and usability. Coupled with Edge Impulse’s auto-labeling tools, you can boost data quality and streamline the labeling process. This allows for robust model training even with less data, reducing resources required and accelerating development.

Optimized for edge devices

Our joint solution allows you to profile the performance of your model on different hardware configurations. You can easily identify the optimal target given your specific use case and hardware constraints. This added level of customization ensures your edge AI solution is perfectly optimized for peak performance.

Collaborate with ease

The Edge Impulse Studio, bolstered by NVIDIA TAO, provides an edge AI development environment that promotes real-time, enterprise-wide collaboration. With an emphasis on team-based development, our platform enables teams with diverse expertise to collaborate from anywhere in real-time. Collaboration has never been easier or more effective.

In conclusion, the integration of NVIDIA TAO into Edge Impulse amplifies our commitment to providing a cutting-edge development platform for the AI sector. Our mission is to help you build robust, high-performance AI models quickly and efficiently, without compromising on customization and flexibility. We can’t wait to see what our developer community will create with this powerful new toolset.

Be sure to visit the Edge Impulse and NVIDIA TAO Toolkit landing page for more information!

Jenny Plunkett
Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Edge Impulse

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