Edge AI and Vision Insights: May 19, 2021 Edition

Dear Colleague,2021 Embedded Vision Summit

In just less than a week, over 1,200 leading innovators, expert product developers, supplier technical specialists and accomplished entrepreneurs will be gathering at the virtual 2021 Embedded Vision Summit (happening May 25-28)—and we couldn’t be more excited about the program that’s in store for them!

This is the perfect event for those working with computer vision and other forms of edge AI, and we’ll be dedicating this issue of Edge AI and Vision Insights to covering the exciting schedule jam-packed with speakers, sessions, demos, kiosks, networking and some special features.

If you haven’t already, grab your seat today and use promo code SUMMIT21NL-10 to get 10% off your Summit pass when you register before May 24. See all that the Summit has to offer in one place, by viewing the full program here.

Pieter Abbeel keynoteThe Summit team prides itself on highlighting speakers who bring unique insights and perspectives on computer vision and edge AI. Check out the three luminaries who’ll be kicking off days one and two of the Summit:

Keynote Speaker: Professor Pieter Abbeel is the Director of the Berkeley Robot Learning Lab and Co-Director of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence (BAIR) Lab. Abbeel is a scholar, entrepreneur, researcher, worldwide speaker, and multi-award winner. Learn more about Pieter and his session, From Inference to Action: AI Beyond Pattern Recognition.

General Session Speaker: Zach Shelby is an IoT industry pioneer, serial entrepreneur, start-up investor and advisor, author, former ARM VP, founder of the Micro:bit children’s educational foundation and, most recently, co-founder and CEO of Edge Impulse. His pioneering work in IoT, low-power networks and machine learning development tools has given him a unique perspective on the trajectory of embedded systems. Learn more about Zach and his session, The Data-Driven Engineering Revolution.

General Session Speaker: Ziad Asghar, VP of Product Management at Qualcomm, is the leader of Snapdragon roadmap planning and application processor technologies, covering all smartphone platform products. Learn more about Ziad and his session, What We Need to Transform Lives and Industries with On-Device AI, Cloud and 5G.

We couldn’t be more excited about this line-up! Our speakers are laser-focused on sharing tips, tricks, insights and technical know-how, so you can hit the ground running on your next project. The sessions span four robust tracks: Technical Insights, Enabling Technologies, Business Insights and Fundamentals.There are 95+ speakers from companies like Intel, NVIDIA, Samsung and BMW, discussing everything from “Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Understanding” to “Robust Object Detection Under Dataset Shifts” to “Productizing Complex Visual AI Systems for Autonomous Flight”!

You’ll find a full list of session topics here.

You’ll find 50+ top-notch exhibitors and sponsors at the Summit who are creating cutting-edge building-block technologies that are accelerating the future of AI and computer vision.They’ll be providing opportunities for you to see the latest commercially-available processors, algorithms, libraries, development tools and services enabling vision and edge AI capabilities, helping you find the capabilities you’re looking for to gain a competitive edge. You can visit their kiosks and connect with their experts for 1:1 meetings right on the event platform.

From AMD to Xilinx, you can see the full list in the Exhibitor Directory.

DemosLast year, our attendees raved about the demos and mentioned that they were a quick, easy way to meet top building-block technology suppliers and evaluate their latest processors, algorithms, software, sensors, development tools and services to find the right fit for their product.

There will be 60+ demos, and each one will be a 5-7 minute presentation followed by live Q&A with the company’s specialists, allowing you to see up to four demos in one hour! Demos are now part of the program schedule, so you don’t have to choose between a session and seeing demos. They will be available each day of the event at different times. Plus, you can schedule 1:1 meetings directly with supplier representatives at times that work for you.

Visit the Demo Directory to see both sample demos and a list of who will be demoing what—and when!

The Summit is a golden opportunity to make important connections. That’s why, even in a virtual world, we’ve made it easy to directly access over 1,200 highly-qualified tech experts, suppliers, partners, customers and other attendees working with computer vision and edge AI.

This year, we have a new AI-enabled event platform that will give you the control to meet those contacts you’ve been trying to reach. With it, you’ll be able to:

  • Receive intelligent recommendations for the people you may want to connect with based on your common interests, company role, industry and offering. And, the more you interact with the platform, the smarter your recommendations get!
  • Browse the list of attendees and show your interest with a virtual handshake.
  • The best part! Easily chat or schedule 1:1 meetings right on the platform—before, during, and after the live event—with people you wouldn’t have met otherwise.
Typical online conferences can be monotonous, but the Embedded Vision Summit is no typical conference! We have a series of engaging session formats that will help you gain the valuable insights you’re looking for.

Panel Discussions and Fireside Chats: Join the conversation to see what the experts are saying on hot topics, like:

  • “Panel Discussion: Can You Make Production ML Work Without Dozens of PhDs?”
  • “Fireside Chat: Why is Taking AI to Production So Difficult?”
  • “Fireside Chat: Shrinking Time to Market and Reducing Costs for Retail Using Intel DevCloud for the Edge”
  • “Fireside Chat: Performance, Ease of Development or Features: What Do Inferencing Software Developers Need Most?”

Expert Bars: Join these topic-focused discussions and connect with experts to have all of your technical questions answered. Here are a few to look forward to:

  • “Functional Safety for Processors and Neural Network Engines” with Synopsys
  • “Learn How You Can Accelerate AI Inference and Containerized Workloads at the Edge” with Intel
  • “Deep Neural Networks in Automotive” with Imagination Technologies
  • “Q&A on Qualcomm Snapdragon Camera Technologies” with Qualcomm

Over-the-Shoulder Tutorials: Dive into step-by-step tutorials (with live Q&A), like:

  • “From Start to Finish: Build Industrial Embedded ML Solutions on CPUs and MCUs” with Edge Impulse
  • “Dynamic Neural Accelerator and MERA Compiler for Low-latency and Energy-efficient Inference at the Edge” with EdgeCortix
  • “Using hxGraph and OpenCV to Implement Industrial Inspection Applications on the HyperX Processor” with Coherent Logix
  • “Streamlining Development of Complete Edge AI Solutions via Customizable Reference Software – A Healthcare Use Case” with Intel

Wow. That’s a lot to see and do! We look forward to seeing you at the Summit! And please be sure to use promo code SUMMIT21NL-10 to get 10% off your Summit pass when you register before May 24.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Edge AI and Vision Alliance

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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