Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): An Embedded Vision Summit (May 2-4) Focus

The fully autonomous vehicle trials underway by established automobile companies such as Ford and GM, along with upstarts such as Baidu and Google (and, persistent rumors suggest, Apple) may capture the bulk of popular attention. But their precursor, ADAS, is more quietly but quite rapidly becoming a huge technology success story. Only a few years ago, high-end brands like Mercedes-Benz unveiled ADAS features such as collision avoidance in premier luxury models. Today, ADAS is mainstream. Honda, for example, now offers extensive ADAS capabilities even in its ~$20,000 entry-level Civic, and within the year, Toyota plans to make autonomous braking a standard feature across its product line.

ADAS is a key focus area for many of the Member companies of the Embedded Vision Alliance. As such, ADAS (and autonomous vehicle) technology will also be extensively showcased at the Alliance's upcoming Embedded Vision Summit conference. Highlights include the following presentations:

  • Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles
    In this keynote, Larry Matthies, Senior Scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will give an overview of autonomous vehicle computer vision techniques, explore successful approaches, and illustrate concepts with examples from applications on Earth and in planetary exploration.
  • Making Existing Cars Smart Via Embedded Vision and Deep Learning
    Stefan Heck, CEO and Co-founder of Nauto, will explain how his company is using deep learning, computer vision and embedded processors to bring sophisticated new capabilities to existing vehicles.
  • Computer Vision in Cars: Status, Challenges, and Trends
    Marco Jacobs, Vice President of Marketing at videantis, will provide an overview of the state of ADAS today and give a glimpse into the future. He will highlight technology trends, challenges, and lessons learned, with a focus on the crucial role that computer vision plays in these systems.
  • Sensing Technologies for the Autonomous Vehicle
    Tom Wilson, ADAS Product Line Manager at NXP Semiconductors, will compares vision-based sensing with other sensing technologies, such as radar. He will explore key trends in sensors for autonomous vehicles, and analyze challenges and opportunities in fusing the output of multiple sensor technologies to enable robust perception and mapping for autonomous vehicles.

Multiple Alliance Member companies will also demonstrate various ADAS concepts and products in the Vision Technology Showcase.

The Embedded Vision Summit, an educational forum for product creators interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software, takes place in Santa Clara, California May 2-4, 2016. Register now, as space is limited and seats are filling up!

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