Embedded Vision Insights: May 21, 2013 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

In the previous edition of Embedded Vision Insights, I mentioned that videos of the various presentations and demonstrations at the April 25 Embedded Vision Summit "will begin showing up on the site shortly." I wasn't kidding: shortly thereafter, the flood gates opened wide and content publication began in earnest. 16 event-related videos are now live on the Alliance website (with more following shortly), some of which I've highlighted below. They include the keynote from UC Berkeley's Professor Peiter Abbeel, along with overview presentations by the OpenCV Foundation's Gary Bradski and by the Embedded Vision Alliance's own Jeff Bier.

The first few product demo clips captured by the Alliance's video crew are now published, and Electronic Design's editorial staff also shot footage that day, which is also on the site and which I commend to your inspection. And speaking of video, CEVA also just published three interesting demonstrations that showcase the company's MM3101 imaging and vision processing core in action on three compelling applications; face recognition, ADAS (specifically, lane departure warning), and gesture recognition, the latter in partnership with fellow Alliance member company eyeSight.

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Please don't hesitate to let me know how the Alliance can better service your needs.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Keynote: "Artificial Intelligence for Robotic Butlers and Surgeons," Professor Pieter Abbeel, University of California, Berkeley
Professor Pieter Abbeel of the University of California, Berkeley, presents the "Artificial Intelligence for Robotic Butlers and Surgeons" keynote at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit. Professor Abbeel has developed apprenticeship learning algorithms which have enabled advanced helicopter aerobatics which only exceptional human pilots can perform. His group has also enabled the first end-to-end completion of reliably picking up a crumpled laundry article and folding it. He has won numerous varied awards, his work has been featured in many popular press outlets, and his current research focuses on robotics and machine learning with a particular focus on challenges in personal robotics, surgical robotics and connectomics.

EngineeringTV Video: Demos from the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit
Electronic Design Technical Editor Bill Wong highlights some of the technologies and products showcased by Embedded Vision Alliance member companies at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit.

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The means by which we interact with the machines around us is undergoing a fundamental transformation. While we may still sometimes need to push buttons, touch displays and trackpads, and raise our voices, we’ll increasingly be able to interact with and control our devices simply by signaling with our fingers, gesturing with our hands, and moving our bodies. More

Analogue Video Surveillance Equipment Still Dominant in the Consumer Market
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