Embedded Vision Insights: June 4, 2013 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

Two weeks ago, in the previous edition of Embedded Vision Insights, I mentioned that 17 videos from the April Embedded Vision Summit had been published to the Alliance website. In subsequently finalizing the content from the Summit and next-day Alliance Member Meeting, the number of published videos has doubled, to 34. They span a diversity of topics and include the keynote and track overview presentations, technical talks, new-product introductions, and technology and product demonstrations, along with an update on the Khronos OpenVX vision processing API. I encourage you to check them all out, but make sure you reserve sufficient time in your schedule… those 34 videos represent nearly 12 hours of material!

The Alliance and its member companies are also quite busy with other embedded vision outreach opportunities to the engineering community. Synopsys just completed seminars in both Silicon Valley and Tokyo, with Alliance Business Development Director Jeremy Giddings presenting at the latter. At the upcoming SIGGRAPH conference, NVIDIA will be delivering a presentation on mobile vision applications using the Android operating system. And Alliance founder Jeff Bier will be discussing embedded vision at three upcoming events; the mid-June meeting of the Chinese American Information Storage Society in Silicon Valley, and the IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop and Vision Industry and Entrepreneur Workshop, both on June 24th, and both part of the CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Conference in Portland, Oregon. See the news section of the Alliance website for information on all of these events.

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. I welcome your emailed suggestions on what the Alliance can do better, as well as what else the Alliance can do, to better service your needs.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Overview Presentation: "The OpenCV Open-Source Computer Vision Library: Present and Future," Gary Bradski, OpenCV Foundation
Gary Bradski, President and CEO of the OpenCV Foundation, presents the "OpenCV Open-Source Computer Vision Library: Present and Future" overview presentation at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit. OpenCV is an open source computer vision software component library that has gained widespread use in research and industry — including, increasingly, in mobile devices, embedded systems, and cloud-based applications. Bradski launched OpenCV at Intel in the late 1990s, and now guides the project through the OpenCV Foundation. This presentation is intended for vision software and algorithm developers and others who want to know about the latest developments in OpenCV and possible future directions for the project.

CEVA and eyeSight Natural User Interface Gesture Recognition Demonstration
In this demonstration, you'll see the power of the CEVA DSP platform and gesture recognition technology from partner and fellow Embedded Vision Alliance member eyeSight. The CEVA-plus-eyeSight solution supports multiple hand gestures as well as palm detection and tracking, handles multiple users, works up to 4.5 meters away from the device, and operates in low light conditions. This demonstration showcases eyeSight's two-hand gesture recognition capabilities. It shows how a user can control a menu of many applications, including (in this case) games, a photo gallery and video control commands. A variety of different types of gestures are supported including hand tracking, drag and drop, two-hand zoom in and out, and rotate.

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Designing Visionary Mobile Apps using Tegra Android Development Pack
NVIDIA makes life easier for Android developers by providing all of the software tools needed to develop for Android in a single easy-to-install TADP (Tegra Android Development Pack). The TADP is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu Linux 32-bit and Ubuntu Linux 64-bit. It is targeted for Tegra devices, but will set up your development environment for any Android device. You can obtain the TADP by registering on NVIDIA’s Developer Zone website and by applying for the Tegra Registered Developer Program. More

BRICs Bolster Global Video Surveillance Market Growth
IMS Research, recently acquired by IHS Inc., has published the ninth edition of its World Market for CCTV and Video Surveillance Equipment report. This edition forecasts that despite the weak and uncertain economic climate, the world market for video surveillance equipment will grow in excess of 12%. Senior Analyst and report author, Gary Wong, states; “Western Europe is projected to be the largest drag factor impacting global market growth. The Eurozone debt crisis is expected to depress growth in Western Europe as austerity measures continue to be implemented and a lack of end-user confidence limits video surveillance equipment spend. Spain, Italy and Greece are forecast to be the three slowest growing European markets for video surveillance equipment." More

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