Embedded Vision Insights: June 18, 2013 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

Last time, I mentioned that nearly 12 hours' worth of content from the April Embedded Vision Alliance Summit and next-day Alliance Member Meeting was now published on the website. There's one more video from the former event that I'd like to draw to your attention today. If you were at the Embedded Vision Summit, you might have noticed that the camera crew that captured the presentations was also filming the demo room activities that day, as well as testimonials from attendees. We've subsequently combined select excerpts from both, along with still photographs and other Summit content, into a few-minute promotional video.

Check out the clip on the website's newly enhanced "Joining the Alliance" page, and let me know what you think of it. As its publication location suggests, this particular video is focused on potential new Alliance members. Stay tuned for a companion promotional clip, targeting potential attendees of future Summits and other Alliance events, to come in a few weeks' time. And while you're on the site, make sure you peruse some of the other newly published material there; several market summary reports from IMS Research, for example, plus multiple news writeups and press releases.

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Whenever you come up with an idea as to how the Alliance can better service your needs, you know where to find me.

And for those of you in the United States, since the next edition of Embedded Vision Insights won't be published until after the 4th of July, I wish you an enjoyable extended holiday weekend.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Overview Presentation: "What Can You Do With Embedded Vision?," Jeff Bier, Embedded Vision Alliance
Jeff Bier, founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and co-founder and President of BDTI, presents the "What Can You Do With Embedded Vision?" overview presentation at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit. This presentation is intended for those new to embedded vision, and those seeking ideas for new embedded vision applications and technologies. Jeff Bier presents some of the most imaginative and compelling new products incorporating embedded vision, and highlights how advances in enabling technologies, such as processors and sensors, are fueling accelerated innovation in embedded vision products.

February 2013 Embedded World Conference Demonstration: Aldebaran Robotics (MathWorks Partner)
Marc Duruy, EMEA Sales Manager at Aldebaran Robotics, demonstrates the company's latest embedded vision technologies and products in partner (and Embedded Vision Alliance member) MathWorks' booth at the February 2013 Embedded World Conference.

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Expanding Resources Streamline the Creation of "Machines that See"
This article, co-authored by Embedded Vision Alliance representatives Jeff Bier and Brian Dipert, explores the opportunity for including embedded vision features in products, introduces an industry alliance created to help engineers incorporate vision capabilities into their designs, and outlines the technical resources that this alliance provides. It was originally published at EE Times' Embedded.com Design Line, and is reprinted with the permission of EE Times. More

Home Security Companies Not Alarmed by New Entrants
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