Embedded Vision Insights: August 6, 2013 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

In the last issue of this newsletter, I mentioned that we were in the process of editing some of the content captured during the July 17 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. One of the videos is now published; it's the market trends presentation "Who Watches The Watchers? Consumer Perceptions of Embedded Vision Features in Consumer Electronics," delivered by Argus Insights' CEO, John Feland, Ph.D. I think you'll find Feland's talk not only highly entertaining but also very informative; Argus Insights employs novel data collection and market analysis methods derived from postings made by consumers on various social media platforms. Specifically, Feland discussed in his July 17 talk how consumers are responding to the increasing ubiquity of image sensors in every aspect of their lives, specifically to the benefits and perceived risks of unintended surveillance via these new solutions.

In the last issue, I also shared with you the biographical information of Mario Munich, Vice President of Advanced Development at iRobot and the scheduled keynote presenter for the upcoming October 2 Embedded Vision Summit East, a technical educational forum for product creators interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. Until recently, I'd only been able to indicate that the Embedded Vision Summit East would be located in the "Boston Massachusetts area". However, I can be more precise: both it and the next-day embedded vision workshops delivered by Alliance member companies will take place at the Regency Inn and Conference Center in Westford, Massachusetts, conveniently located both to Boston itself and to the Route 128 Technology Corridor. Registration is now open both for the Embedded Vision Summit East and for the hands-on workshop co-presented by Analog Devices, Avnet Electronics and BDTI. Space is limited at both events, so I encourage you to register without delay!

Plenty of other fresh content has also appeared on the Alliance website in the past two weeks: multiple news writeups, market analysis reports, and product announcements from Alliance member companies. Check them out to keep current on embedded vision technology and product developments. Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Whenever you come up with an idea as to how the Alliance can better service your needs, you know where to find me.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


July 2013 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting Market Trends Presentation: "Who Watches The Watchers?" John Feland, Argus Insights
Argus Insights CEO John Feland, Ph.D., delivers the market trends presentation, "Who Watches The Watchers? Consumer Perceptions of Embedded Vision Features in Consumer Electronics," at the July 2013 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. As the ubiquity of image sensors approaches that of microprocessors in every aspect of our lives, how are consumers responding to the benefits and perceived risks of unintended surveillance via these new solutions? What lessons can we learn, from the success of the Kinect and the failure of the Galaxy S4, for example, as well as the growing interest and angst around the Xbox One, regarding the boundaries consumers are defining with respect to embedded vision technologies? Using the novel collection and analysis methods of Argus Insights, this discussion pulled insights from the market, helped build a picture of today's consumer, and mapped expectations of embedded vision enabled experiences moving forward.

April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Product Demonstration: VanGogh Imaging
Greg Werth, Vice President of Marketing at VanGogh Imaging, demonstrates a gesture-based natural user interface at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit.

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