Embedded Vision Insights: September 17, 2013 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,

Good news, everyone! The complete agenda for the Embedded Vision Summit East, to be held in Westford, Massachusetts on October 2, has just been published to the Alliance website. The Embedded Vision Summit East is a technical educational forum for product creators interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. Scan through the day's agenda, and I'm confident you'll be impressed with the breadth and depth of the technical program we've assembled for your benefit.

The day will begin with the keynote, "Embedding Computer Vision in Everyday Life," by iRobot's Vice President of Advanced Development, Mario E. Munich. Also notable is a triumvirate of presentations from DARPA's Mike Geertsen and two DARPA contractors, Next Century Corporation and SRI International, regarding a set of general-purpose vision algorithm development tools which will soon be released in open-source form. The two-track, day-long program also includes 17 other technical presentations from the Alliance and 15 of its member companies.

As with past Summits, there'll also be a demo area packed with examples of vision technology. The demo area will be open during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the lunch hour, and the concluding cocktail reception, providing opportunities to enjoy some refreshments, get up close with some of the latest vision technology, and interact with experts from Alliance member companies. The Embedded Vision Summit East takes place in just two weeks, and registration submissions are rapidly rolling in. Attendance spots are limited and interest is strong, so I encourage you to register without delay. Consider, too, attending one or both of the half-day hands-on workshops held the day after the Summit, respectively sponsored by Analog Devices, Avnet Electronics and BDTI, and by Avnet and Xilinx.

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. Whenever you come up with an idea as to how the Alliance can better service your needs, you know where to find me.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Technical Presentation: "Targeting Computer Vision Algorithms to Embedded Hardware," Mario Bergeron, Avnet
Mario Bergeron, Technical Marketing Engineer at Avnet Electronics, presents the "Targeting Computer Vision Algorithms to Embedded Hardware" tutorial within the "Developing Vision Software, Accelerators and Systems" technical session at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit. This presentation explores how computer vision algorithms can be targeted to embedded hardware, including FPGAs. Topics include efficient movement of high pixel-rate video data and the use of hardware accelerators, as well as use cases showing what is currently available with existing technology for high-performance image processing.

April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Product Demonstration: Xilinx
Vinay Singh, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Xilinx, demonstrates a motion detection application running on the company's Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit.

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Machines that see and understand are only as good as their eyes — image sensors. This may be obvious to those who work in the sensor business or who are experienced in computer vision. But when I was working at Xilinx, I mistakenly thought that processors, software, and algorithms were the key to developing systems with visual intelligence. More

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The CCTV and video surveillance market continues to be headed to a "tipping point" in 2014, with revenue for network video overtaking analog for the first time ever next year, according to a new report entitled "The World Market for CCTV and Video Surveillance Equipment" from IMS Research, now part of IHS Inc. Analog cameras are still forecast to continue outselling network cameras in terms of shipments throughout the period to the year 2017, but higher value resides in their rivals. More

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Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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