Mentor Graphics Demonstration of ECU Consolidation and Novel Shared Graphics

Ricardo Anguiano, Technical Marketing Engineer at Mentor Graphics, demonstrates the company's latest embedded vision technologies and products at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Specifically, Anguiano demonstrates the company's Nucleus-based instrument cluster and Linux-based infotainment system running on the same ECU, in conjunction with the Mentor Embedded Hypervisor.

Automakers and their suppliers are always looking for ways to reduce the cost of vehicle systems while providing more consumer-facing functionality. One approach to address these needs is hardware consolidation, where the functionality that once resided on multiple electronic control units (ECU) is combined into a single ECU. The Mentor Graphics ECU consolidation demo shows the company's Nucleus-based instrument cluster and Linux-based infotainment system running on the same ECU, while demonstrating the separation required for meeting automotive safety requirements through the use of the Mentor Embedded Hypervisor. Both Linux infotainment and the Nucleus RTOS instrument cluster systems display high performance graphics capabilities through the use of a novel shared graphics architecture that services requests from both systems, but prioritizes the requests made by the instrument cluster system.

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