Embedded Vision Insights: February 18, 2016 Edition


In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights:


Dear Colleague,Caffe

I'll begin this edition with a reminder: next Monday, February 22 from 9 AM to 5:30 PM in Santa Clara, California, the primary developers of the popular open-source Caffe convolutional neural network framework will present a one-day in-depth technical tutorial on deep learning for vision. See a recently published interview with these same developers for more information on Caffe, and register for the tutorial online without delay, while the few remaining spots are still available.

Here's another reminder: the deadline for entries for the Vision Tank, a deep learning- and vision-based product competition whose finalists will present at the Embedded Vision Summit, is March 1. Don't wait to begin brainstorming and registering; application submission information is available on the competition page. And while you're at it, also register for the Summit, an educational forum for product creators interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software, taking place in Santa Clara, California May 2-4. Receive a 15% Early Bird discount by using promotional code 07EVI.

While you're on the Alliance website, make sure to also check out the other great recently published content there. For example, a three-part series of technical articles from ARM covers accelerating the mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on Mali GPUs using OpenCL; a related FFT tutorial is also new. Also newly published is the latest in a series of technical articles from Imagination Technologies, this one an introduction to implementing computer vision functions on PowerVR GPUs. There's also an article from CEVA on the relative pros and cons of hardware- versus software-based video stabilization, and a blog post from BDTI on deep learning for video analysis. And make sure to take a look at the multiple recent video demonstrations of embedded vision technologies and products from Alliance member companies, as well as numerous new-product press releases.

Thanks as always for your support of the Embedded Vision Alliance, and for your interest in and contributions to embedded vision technologies, products and applications. I welcome your suggestions on what the Alliance can do to better service your needs.

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


"Convolutional Networks: Unleashing the Potential of Machine Learning for Robust Perception Systems," a Presentation from Yann LeCunFacebook
Yann LeCun, Director of AI Research at Facebook and Silver Professor of Data Science, Computer Science, Neural Science, and Electrical Engineering at New York University, presents the "Convolutional Networks: Unleashing the Potential of Machine Learning for Robust Perception Systems" keynote at the May 2014 Embedded Vision Summit. Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) have become the dominant method for a wide array of computer perception tasks including object detection, object recognition, face recognition, image segmentation, visual navigation, handwriting recognition, as well as acoustic modeling for speech recognition and audio processing. They are a particular embodiment of the concept of "deep learning" in which all the layers in a multi-layer architecture are subject to training. This presentation demonstrates several practical applications of ConvNets, which are particularly easy to implement in hardware, particularly using dataflow architectures, and which bring the promise of real-time embedded systems capable of impressive image recognition tasks with applications to smart cameras, and mobile devices, automobiles, and robots.

Argus Insights Overview of Its Embedded Vision Market Analysis CapabilitiesArgus Insights
John Feland, CEO and Founder of Argus Insights, discusses the company's embedded vision activities at the December 2015 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Specifically, Feland discusses how his company is able to track trends on social media related to embedded vision in general and the Embedded Vision Alliance in particular.

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Paving the Way to Self-Driving Cars with Advanced Driver Assistance SystemsTexas Instruments
Recent publicity has attracted the public eye to the development of automated vehicles, especially Google’s experimental cars that have logged thousands of self-driven miles with minimal help from human drivers. These events are truly impressive, says Texas Instruments in this article, and in the long term will help revolutionize vehicle operation and our experience of driving. But the excitement about self-driving cars can make it easy to overlook numerous short-term developments by automotive manufacturers that are equally important in transforming the act of driving. More

CES Show Report: Automobiles, Computer Vision, and Imaging are Big Trendsvideantis
Nearly all of the industry trends coming out of last month's Consumer Electronics Show, notes videantis' Maro Jacobs in this analysis report, center around computer vision. Automotive applications (for example) along with a number of new emerging product categories are all heavily dependent on imaging technologies. New displays, new sensor schemes, embedded vision, image enhancement, and video compression and transmission; all rely on semiconductors and associated software that can efficiently process images. More

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Xilinx Strengthens Embedded Vision and Industrial IoT Portfolio with Expanded Ecosystem and Platforms

LG Electronics Selects CEVA Imaging and Vision DSP for Mobile Devices

Qualcomm Announces Three New Snapdragon Processors that Bring Advanced Modem, Imaging and Sensors to Mainstream Devices

New PowerVR GPUs From Imagination Combine Advanced Graphics with Optimizations for Vision and Computational Photography

VanGogh Imaging Introduces Starry Night 3D Computer Vision Software for Augmented & Virtual Reality Applications

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Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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