Embedded Vision Insights: April 11, 2017 Edition



Dear Colleague,Why Attend the Embedded Vision Summit

The Embedded Vision Summit is only 3 weeks away and the event is shaping up to be our best ever. We just released our full schedule and we urge you to register now before it’s too late. Join us for 3 days, 4 presentation tracks, 75+ speakers, multiple Vision Technology Workshops, the Vision Tank competition and Vision Entrepreneurs' Panel, and our Vision Technology Showcase!

Just a few years ago, it was inconceivable that everyday devices would incorporate visual intelligence. Now it’s clear that visual intelligence will be ubiquitous soon. We invite you to join us in Santa Clara on May 1-3 to discover the latest market and technology trends and hear how industry leaders are bringing value to a wide range of industries using computer vision.

Our Business Insights track, for example, will explore how the once sleepy computer vision industry is making rapid strides toward mainstream deployments across a variety of markets. This track will be facilitated by the industry’s top business leaders, analysts and entrepreneurs. Featured speakers include Jeff McVeigh from Intel, Tim Ramsdale from ARM, and Chris Rowen from Cognite Ventures. Check out the Business Insights track agenda and speaker lineup here.

We encourage you to secure your spot now, as seats are filling up quickly. See you at the Summit!

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


High-resolution 3D Reconstruction On a Mobile ProcessorQualcomm
Computer vision has come a long way. Use cases that were previously not possible in mass-market devices are now more accessible thanks to advances in depth sensors and mobile processors. In this presentation, Michael Mangan, Product Manager for Camera and Computer Vision at Qualcomm, provides an overview of how we are able to implement high-resolution 3D reconstruction – a capability typically requiring cloud/server processing – on a mobile processor. This is an exciting example of how new sensor technology and advanced mobile processors are bringing computer vision capabilities to broader markets.

Getting from Idea to Product with 3D VisionIntel and MathWorks
To safely navigate autonomously, cars, drones and robots need to understand their surroundings in three dimensions. While 3D vision has been studied in academia for decades, it has only recently begun to be incorporated into commercial systems. For system developers, 3D vision brings a slew of new concepts, terminology, and algorithms – such as SLAM, SFM and visual odometry. This talk from Anavai Ramesh, Senior Software Engineer at Intel, and Avinash Nehemiah, Product Marketing Manager for Computer Vision at MathWorks, focuses on challenges engineers are likely to face while incorporating 3D vision algorithms into their products and discusses practical approaches to solving these problems in real-world autonomous systems.


Democratizing Computer Vision Development: Lessons from the Video Game IndustryWRNCH
Computer vision offers great promise: algorithms are maturing rapidly and processing power continues to grow by leaps and bounds. But today’s approach to computer vision software development – hiring a team of computer vision PhDs to hack OpenCV – is not scalable and represents a major bottleneck to mass deployment of vision-enabled products. The video game industry faced similar challenges in the early 2000s, when it became impractical for game developers to write an entire game engine from scratch. Today, small teams of independent game developers leverage commercial game engines like Unity to build complex video games that only five years ago would have required a 100+ person team. In this talk, based on experience in the game industry, Paul Kruszewski, President of WRNCH, predicts how computer vision software development will evolve to enable creation of thousands of new vision-enabled products. He also shares ways that managers and entrepreneurs can avoid the most serious pitfalls of vision software development today.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Commercializing Applications of Computer VisionFirelake Capital Management
Computer vision technology is advancing at an exciting pace, but still has a long way to go toward maturity and realizing its full potential. The technology itself presents attractive opportunities, but the opportunity presented by the applications it will enable dwarfs this. The ultimate possibilities are limited only by the imagination and insights of professionals across industries, but how do we assess what applications are feasible today? What attributes do today’s applications have in common, and how do we go about realizing them? This presentation from Peter Shannon, Managing Director at Firelake Capital Management, explores the practical implications of commercializing a vision-enabled product, from product requirements to development expectations through to validation and ensuring a good customer experience, highlighting the points of contrast with the commercialization of more traditional software-based products.


Bay Area Computer Vision and Deep Learning Meetup Group – Image Processing for Human and Computer Vision: April 25, 2017, 6:00 pm PT, Santa Clara, California

Machine Learning Developers Conference: April 26-27, 2017, Santa Clara, California

Embedded Vision Summit: May 1-3, 2017, Santa Clara, California

Xilinx Webinar Series – Caffe to Zynq: State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Inference Performance in Less Than 5 Watts: May 24, 2017, 10:00 am PT

Sensors Expo & Conference: June 27-29, 2017, San Jose, California

Xilinx Webinar Series – OpenCV on Zynq: Accelerating 4k60 Dense Optical Flow and Stereo Vision: July 12, 2017, 10:00 am PT

More Events


Embedded Vision Summit 2017 Brings Together Innovators Building New Products with Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Allied Vision Introduces Revolutionary Vision Technology for Embedded Systems at the Embedded Vision Summit 2017

New from the Alliance: The Vision Accelerator Program, Helping Product Teams Deliver Better Vision-based Products, Faster

Intel Movidius Helps Bring Artificial Intelligence to Video Surveillance Cameras

NET Announces Second Generation of High Performance Smart Vision System Corsight for Industrial Vision

More News


Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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