Embedded Vision Insights: April 25, 2017 Edition



Dear Colleague,Why Attend the Embedded Vision Summit

The Embedded Vision Summit is less than a week away! It’s coming up on May 1-3 in Santa Clara, California. We urge you to register now before it’s too late! The Summit is the event for innovators who want to bring visual intelligence into their products, and we're devoting this issue of Embedded Vision Insights to covering the three full days of exciting speakers, presentations and workshops we have planned.

This year the Summit will feature 90 speakers presenting in 5 tracks, including Enabling Technologies, Business Insights, two tracks' worth of Technical Insights, and our new Fundamentals Track, perfect for those who are new to the embedded vision field or to some aspects of it. These tracks offer both breadth and depth, and make it easy to find the topics and speakers that best address your interests, experience and opportunities.

Awesome keynote speakers include Marc Pollefeys, Director of Science at Microsoft HoloLens, speaking on 3D Computer Vision and Mixed Reality, and Jitendra Malik, Arthur J. Chick Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at U.C. Berkeley, speaking on Deep Visual Understanding from Deep Learning.Vision Tank

There are hundreds of fascinating startups doing really cool things and five of the best of them are competing in the Vision Tank, our start-up competition. Five finalists will pitch their products to our expert panel of judges, on deck to provide advice and select the Most Innovative Vision-Based Product winner!

This year, we’ve added the Vision Entrepreneurs’ Panel, which brings together an amazing group of visionary leaders who have conceived and scaled vision-based businesses to multi-hundred-million-dollar valuations. Sharing their failures as well as their successes, along with key lessons learned, these successful entrepreneurs will "pay it forward" in helping to enable the next generation of vision-based start-up leaders.

Plus, the Vision Technology Showcase will feature more than 100 demos and 50 exhibits highlighting the latest advances in deployable computer vision technologies.

And the third day of the Embedded Vision Summit, May 3, is dedicated to Vision Technology Workshops. These half- and full-day immersive workshops are organized by Embedded Vision Alliance Member companies and partners and presented by experienced engineers from these organizations.Register Now!

The bottom line is simple: If you’re working in computer vision, you simply cannot afford to miss this event.

Time is running out, and the Embedded Vision Summit is almost sold out, so check out the full schedule and register now before it’s too late!

See you at the Summit!

Brian Dipert
Editor-In-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance


Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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