Brian Dipert

Image Color Conversion and Formatting Using FPGAs

Converting images from one color domain to another is a common and often misunderstood operation in embedded vision processing. Image formats and color spaces vary when information is interchanged among processing domains. FPGAs provide a flexible, fast and scalable way of converting images using readily available IP cores. This video tutorial from José Alvarez, Video […]

Image Color Conversion and Formatting Using FPGAs Read More +

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Reality Fighters for PS Vita Only a Taste of the Potential for Augmented Reality

Austin, TX  – March 19, 2011 – As more and more consumer electronics devices incorporate cameras, embedded vision applications are set to change the way consumers interact with their devices. Augmented reality is one of the most interesting applications, with Sony’s recent release of the game Reality Fighters for the PS Vita portable gaming platform

Reality Fighters for PS Vita Only a Taste of the Potential for Augmented Reality Read More +

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Video Surveillance as a Service (VsaaS) Market Set to Double Over Next Three Years

Wellingborough, UK – March 19th, 2012. IMS Research estimates that the world market for cloud based video surveillance, or video surveillance as a service (VSaaS), was worth over $500 million in 2011, an increase of 25% from 2010. However, the big question is what does the future hold for this emerging market? Sam Grinter, Market

Video Surveillance as a Service (VsaaS) Market Set to Double Over Next Three Years Read More +

Embedded Vision In The News: Various Week-Ending Views

Ordinarily, my daily news writeups focus rifle-like on a single-subject theme, but I've collected a diversity of smaller tidbits in recent weeks. And so, for today I thought I'd choose a more shotgun-like approach to delivering information to you. Back in mid-January, I told you how Samsung was leveraging image sensors (and microphones) built into

Embedded Vision In The News: Various Week-Ending Views Read More +


Vision-Based Gesture Recognition: An Ideal Human Interface for Industrial Control Applications

By Brian Dipert Editor-In-Chief Embedded Vision Alliance Senior Analyst BDTI This article was originally published in Digi-Key's Microcontroller TechZone. An excerpt of it is reprinted here with the permission of Digi-Key. Embedded vision, the evolution and extrapolation of computer-based vision systems that process and interpret meaning from still and video images, is poised to be

Vision-Based Gesture Recognition: An Ideal Human Interface for Industrial Control Applications Read More +

Robotic Assistance And Item Identification: An End To Grocery Store Frustration?

Shopping at the local Safeway is becoming an increasingly annoying experience. The number of human-staffed checkout lines steadily diminishes, replaced by self-checkout stations guaranteed to cause my blood pressure to skyrocket. Assuming the card reader correctly scans the magnetic strips on my frequent-shopper and credit cards (always a crapshoot), the optical scanner is invariably unable

Robotic Assistance And Item Identification: An End To Grocery Store Frustration? Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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