Brian Dipert


Resistor Value Calculator: Best Embedded Vision Application Ever?

Ok, I admit to being a bit facetious with the subject line of this particular writeup. But I still think this is very cool. Thanks to MAKE Magazine, I'm now aware of an iPhone (and presumably also camera-inclusive iPad and iPod touch?) application called Resistor Photo ID, which "uses your iPhone's camera to help identify […]

Resistor Value Calculator: Best Embedded Vision Application Ever? Read More +


Nokia’s 808 PureView: A Technical Article and Several Videos For You

Nokia has published several interviews, both in "print" and in video form, since the company launched the model 808 PureView cameraphone (which I discussed in my prior news post earlier today) last week at Mobile World Congress (where it won Best in Show). While I'll reassure you that I'll be writing about plenty of other

Nokia’s 808 PureView: A Technical Article and Several Videos For You Read More +

Image Sensor ISO: A ‘Where Does Noise Come From’ Tutorial Show

In the introductory essay to last Thursday's Embedded Vision Insights newsletter, and in speaking of Nokia's new cameraphone, I wrote: The Nokia 808 contains a 41 Mpixel image sensor (no, that's not a typo), notable not only for its high resolution but also for its relatively relaxed 1.4 um pixel pitch, the latter translating into

Image Sensor ISO: A ‘Where Does Noise Come From’ Tutorial Show Read More +

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Final Ruling from NHTSA Would Save 3 Lives Every Week*

It is almost three years since the United States “Kids & Transportation Safety Act” was passed to prevent accidents while reversing, prompted by consistently high numbers of fatal accidents involving young children. Despite some initial rapid progress, the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) ran into problems when the new regulations were presented in December 2010,

Final Ruling from NHTSA Would Save 3 Lives Every Week* Read More +


Kinect For Windows: Now Shipping (Along With “Gold” Software), Plus Developer Demos

As I previously reported in early January, Microsoft's Kinect for Windows hardware began showing up in various retail channels on February 1, right on schedule. A month back, when I first checked Amazon's website, it was showing a several-week lead time, but the product is now reportedly in stock and ready for immediate shipment. And

Kinect For Windows: Now Shipping (Along With “Gold” Software), Plus Developer Demos Read More +

Time Of Flight: Samsung’s New RGB Image Sensor Also Has Depth Sight

Kudos to EDN Magazine's Margery Conner for "tweeting" me a heads-up about a Samsung announcement at the recent ISSCC (International Solid State Circuits Conference), originally covered by Nikkei Business Publications' Tech-On! and later also picked up by Gizmodo, The Verge and TechCrunch. At first glance, the image sensor above may look like a convention Bayer-patterned

Time Of Flight: Samsung’s New RGB Image Sensor Also Has Depth Sight Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: March 1, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, As I write these words, the Mobile World Congress show is underway in Barcelona, Spain. At this yearly event, one of the most important cellular communications conferences, mobile handset and tablet manufacturers and their service provider partners reveal their latest and greatest offerings. And alongside them are the silicon and software providers, unveiling

Embedded Vision Insights: March 1, 2012 Edition Read More +

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IT Vendors Benefit from Crossover in Enterprise Video Storage

Wellingborough, UK – February 29th, 2012. IMS Research forecasts strong growth for the world market for external enterprise storage platforms used for video surveillance, with an average annual growth rate of 52% for storage capacity shipped from 2010 to 2016. In comparison, internal enterprise storage platforms are forecast to see 36% growth over the same

IT Vendors Benefit from Crossover in Enterprise Video Storage Read More +


An Introduction to the Market for Embedded Vision in Security and Business Intelligence Applications

Brian Dipert, Editor-In-Chief of the Embedded Vision Alliance, interviews Jon Cropley, Principal Analyst at IMS Research, on February 28, 2012. In this introductory video to a planned series, Brian and Jon discuss (among other things) the applications for embedded vision in security and business intelligence applications, the varying locations for analytics intelligence in a system

An Introduction to the Market for Embedded Vision in Security and Business Intelligence Applications Read More +

Introduction to Video and Image Processing System Design Using FPGAs

By José Alvarez Video Technology Engineering Director Xilinx Corporation José Alvarez, Video Technology Engineering Director at Xilinx Corporation, introduces the basic steps in the development of embedded vision systems: overall system definition, building IP processing pipelines using simulation models to speed up evaluation, using Targeted Design Platforms for rapid exploration and implementation, and establishing a

Introduction to Video and Image Processing System Design Using FPGAs Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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