Brian Dipert

VideoSurf On The Android And Apple App Stores: But Isn’t TV Guide Easier?

Apps such as Shazam and SoundHound are, I think, pretty intriguing. Point your handset's microphone at a speaker, fire up the software utility, and it'll do its best to identify the song that's currently playing. And from a general-purpose image recognition standpoint, I felt that the latest iteration of Google Goggles was sufficiently notable to […]

VideoSurf On The Android And Apple App Stores: But Isn’t TV Guide Easier? Read More +


Citizen Surveillance: A Topic Fraught With Contentiousness

Last weekend, I spent a few hours catching up on some recent-past television recordings. As usual, I was multitasking, but I put the magazines and laptop aside when one particular segment from the September 25th edition of 60 Minutes appeared on-screen. Entitled "The Counter-Terrorism Bureau", here's how the show's website describes it: Scott Pelley brings

Citizen Surveillance: A Topic Fraught With Contentiousness Read More +


Apple’s iPhone 4S: Camera Improvements Designed To Impress

Apple's newest handset, the iPhone 4S introduced earlier today, isn't the "iPhone 5" dramatic advancement that some were forecasting. There's no teardrop-shaped thinner form factor redesign, for example, or larger screen, or LTE 4G cellular data support (or WiMAX embrace, for that matter). The handset's improvements from the iPhone 4 predecessor are quite predictable, truth

Apple’s iPhone 4S: Camera Improvements Designed To Impress Read More +


HDR Fusion: High Dynamic Range Imaging Software For Free, Today Only, No Delusion

Yesterday I mentioned that the HTC MyTouch Slide 4G's camera facilities included (among many other things) high dynamic range image capture capabilities. If you own an iPhone 4, you've got built-in HDR, too. But if you own an earlier-generation iOS cellular handset, or a latest-generation iPod touch or iOS-based tablet, you've historically been out of

HDR Fusion: High Dynamic Range Imaging Software For Free, Today Only, No Delusion Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: A Monthly Email Newsletter We’re Confident You’ll Like

On September 20th, the Embedded Vision Alliance published the first edition of its monthly email newsletter, Embedded Vision Insights. Encompassing four key sections: Featured Videos Featured Articles Featured Forum Discussions, and Featured News the newsletter's fundamental intent is to showcase material published in various areas within the EVA website each month. And in the near

Embedded Vision Insights: A Monthly Email Newsletter We’re Confident You’ll Like Read More +


Microsoft Robotics Studio 4: A Beta That Moves Kinect-Based Embedded Vision Forward

Back in early August on this site, as well as a few weeks later in BDTI's monthly email newsletter, I mentioned that Microsoft had recently made two notable embedded vision announcements: Releasing the Kinect SDK for Windows Beta in mid-June, followed by Unveiling the Kinect Services suite for Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R3 in mid-July

Microsoft Robotics Studio 4: A Beta That Moves Kinect-Based Embedded Vision Forward Read More +


The Secrets Of Avian Flight: A High-Speed Video Camera Highlight

I devoted an airline flight [irony intended: keep reading] earlier this week to catching up on a cache of to-be-read publications, specifically some back issues of National Geographic. One of the many articles that I enjoyed, the September 2011 issue cover story, was entitled "The Daring Dream of Personal Flight". Here's what I found to

The Secrets Of Avian Flight: A High-Speed Video Camera Highlight Read More +


Google Goggles: One Of Many Cloud-Based Processing Examples

My previous writeup points out that Anthony Oliver, Chief Technology Officer at Ingenuitas, sees built-in support for server-side processing of image data captured by a low-tech, inexpensive camera as one of the key benefits of his company's championed SimpleCV API. His quote reminded me that Google recently updated the Goggles app for Android, adding optional

Google Goggles: One Of Many Cloud-Based Processing Examples Read More +

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