Augmented Reality

Google’s Project Glass(es): A Further Loss Of Privacy With A Touch Of Class

Remember Google's augmented reality glasses, the rumors of which I mentioned back in late February? Well, they're real, as it turns out, at least in prototype form. They're under development by the same 'Google X Lab' that is working on the company's autonomous automobile…and it's not April 1st, so I'm not fooling (although that's not […]

Google’s Project Glass(es): A Further Loss Of Privacy With A Touch Of Class Read More +


Augmented-Reality Glasses: Will Google Bring Them To The Masses?

I've been following with no shortage of interest the recent rumors that Google's developing glasses with built-in augmented reality displays. Initial reports came out last December, and were followed by more (supposed) information earlier this month (including the claim that they look like Oakley's Thump line, shown in the above image). And apparently, they're controlled

Augmented-Reality Glasses: Will Google Bring Them To The Masses? Read More +


A Microsoft Research Mashup: Kinect + Augmented Reality = A Holodeck Mockup

I've often heard it claimed that Microsoft's Research Labs is the only remaining substantial-sized industry R&D arm, subsequent to the demise of Bell Labs and the downsizing of folks like Xerox PARC. While I don't have any particular interest in confirming or refuting the claim, what I will say with confidence is that the multi-site,

A Microsoft Research Mashup: Kinect + Augmented Reality = A Holodeck Mockup Read More +


Augmented Reality: Applications Strive For Meaningful Applicability

As you may recall, I devoted the week-ago news writeup to the topic of augmented reality. How appropriate it seemed, therefore, to open up yesterday's USA Today and find the every-Monday Digital Traveler column focused on the topic of AR this week. The writeup headline, however, foreshadows the lukewarm critique that follows it; 'Augmented reality

Augmented Reality: Applications Strive For Meaningful Applicability Read More +

Augmented Reality: Qualcomm’s SDK Update Tells An Intriguing Silicon- And Software-Agnostic Story

My first exposure to augmented reality (aside from occasional demos at past SIGGRAPHs), or so I thought until earlier this morning, was when I tried out a Nintendo 3DS portable gaming console a few months back in advance of tearing it down (along with iFixit's Kyle Wiens) in front of a live crowd at the

Augmented Reality: Qualcomm’s SDK Update Tells An Intriguing Silicon- And Software-Agnostic Story Read More +

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