Face Detection

“Kinect” With NASA’s Latest Mission: A Mars Rover Landing Simulation

On Sunday evening (just a half hour beyond 4 days away, as I type this, in fact), NASA's latest Mars rover, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL, aka "Curiosity"), will hopefully navigate to a successful landing on the Red Planet (PDF). The 11-minute video above, brought to you by the JPLnews YouTube channel, depicts key events […]

“Kinect” With NASA’s Latest Mission: A Mars Rover Landing Simulation Read More +


YouTube’s Face Detection-Based Blurring: Digital Protection From Those Intent On Harming

As the daily news reports unfortunately make regularly clear, existing among us are no shortage of sick and twisted individuals who prey on children they find via (among other avenues) published images. And those same news reports document scores of situations in which captured still photos and video footage have been used by oppressive regimes

YouTube’s Face Detection-Based Blurring: Digital Protection From Those Intent On Harming Read More +


Samsung And Google’s Galaxy Nexus: A Facial Recognition Work In Progress

I've discussed several times, in past news writeups, the facial recognition-based unlock capabilities built into Google's Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich". Reading others' reviews gives only a secondhand perspective on a technology or product; a personal hands-on analysis is the preferable approach. So it was that I recently was able to borrow a Google-branded, Samsung-developed

Samsung And Google’s Galaxy Nexus: A Facial Recognition Work In Progress Read More +


Face.com’s Acquisition: Good For Facebook, Not So Much For Broader Facial Recognition Industry Ambitions

Back in mid-April, I devoted a news writeup to the latest developments at facial recognition algorithm developer Face.com, focusing in particular on the API that the company provided for third-party developer leverage, often free of charge. Those bountiful-technology days, unfortunately, have come and gone. A month ago, Facebook decided to acquire Face.com for an unannounced

Face.com’s Acquisition: Good For Facebook, Not So Much For Broader Facial Recognition Industry Ambitions Read More +

The Next-Generation Microsoft Kinect: Inching Ever Closer To Perfect?

Last November, rumors began circulating in cyberspace regarding the next-generation Microsoft Kinect peripheral…that it would be, for example, accurate enough to read the lips of people sitting in front of it, along with delivering improved motion tracking and voice recognition (the latter by virtue of the camera peripheral's integrated microphone array), and being "able to

The Next-Generation Microsoft Kinect: Inching Ever Closer To Perfect? Read More +


From Lipstick to Security: Facial Recognition Without High-Resolution Complexity

Speaking of face-related embedded vision topics…a month back, I told you how smartphone-based software was being used to make makeup suggestions. And ten months ago (for example), I told you about revolutionary techniques being employed to improve face recognition accuracy. Do you think I can link these two themes? Of course I can…with a little

From Lipstick to Security: Facial Recognition Without High-Resolution Complexity Read More +


Face Detection For Obscenity Prevention

Another day, another facial recognition-fueled controversy…although strictly speaking, this one involves less-complex face detection, not age, race, gender or specific-identity recognition…at least not yet, that is. The more "wired" among you may recall a short-lived (but technically still alive) Internet craze called Chatroulette. Via the aptly-named website, you were randomly connected with someone else on

Face Detection For Obscenity Prevention Read More +

RecognizeMe: Underwhelming Facial Recognition, As Least Initially

Back in early April, I mentioned a facial recognition program called RecognizeMe, available for "jailbroken" Apple iOS-based hardware. I went ahead and dropped $2.99 on the program, then installed it on my fourth-generation iPod touch and two iPhone 4s (AT&T and Verizon); my first-generation iPad doesn't have a front-facing camera and is therefore not a

RecognizeMe: Underwhelming Facial Recognition, As Least Initially Read More +


SceneTap: A Face Detection Privacy Flap

Back in September of last year, I introduced you to SceneTap, a service that uses webcams to provide a dynamically updated count of how many people are currently in a bar, restaurant, etc…along with estimates of male-to-female and age ratios, thereby implementing not only human face detection but also rudimentary face recognition (gender and age,

SceneTap: A Face Detection Privacy Flap Read More +

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