Object Identification

“Harman’s Augmented Navigation Platform—The Convergence of ADAS and Navigation,” a Presentation from Harman

Alon Atsmon, Vice President of Technology Strategy at Harman International, presents the "Harman’s Augmented Navigation Platform—The Convergence of ADAS and Navigation" tutorial at the May 2015 Embedded Vision Summit. Until recently, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and in-car navigation systems have evolved as separate standalone systems. Today, however, the combination of available embedded computing power […]

“Harman’s Augmented Navigation Platform—The Convergence of ADAS and Navigation,” a Presentation from Harman Read More +

“Deep-learning-based Visual Perception in Mobile and Embedded Devices: Opportunities and Challenges,” a Presentation from Qualcomm

Jeff Gehlhaar, Vice President of Technology, Corporate Research and Development, at Qualcomm, presents the "Deep-learning-based Visual Perception in Mobile and Embedded Devices: Opportunities and Challenges" tutorial at the May 2015 Embedded Vision Summit. Deep learning approaches have proven extremely effective for a range of perceptual tasks, including visual perception. Incorporating deep-learning-based visual perception into devices

“Deep-learning-based Visual Perception in Mobile and Embedded Devices: Opportunities and Challenges,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Read More +

“Combining Vision, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Answer Everyday Questions,” a Presentation from QM Scientific

Faris Alqadah, CEO and Co-Founder of QM Scientific, delivers the presentation "Combining Vision, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Answer Everyday Questions" at the May 2015 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Faris explains how his company's GPU-accelerated Quazi platform combines proprietary natural language processing, computer vision and machine learning technologies to extract, connect and

“Combining Vision, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to Answer Everyday Questions,” a Presentation from QM Scientific Read More +

“Bringing Computer Vision to the Consumer,” a Keynote Presentation from Dyson

Mike Aldred, Electronics Lead at Dyson, presents the "Bringing Computer Vision to the Consumer" keynote at the May 2015 Embedded Vision Summit. While vision has been a research priority for decades, the results have often remained out of reach of the consumer. Huge strides have been made, but the final, and perhaps toughest, hurdle is

“Bringing Computer Vision to the Consumer,” a Keynote Presentation from Dyson Read More +

“The Evolution of Object Recognition in Embedded Systems,” a Presentation from CEVA

Moshe Shahar, Director of System Architecture at CEVA, presents the "Evolution of Object Recognition in Embedded Systems" tutorial at the May 2015 Embedded Vision Summit. Camera-enabled devices have made great strides in performance and quality in recent years, but they still fall far short of human visual perception. To reach their potential, vision-enabled systems must

“The Evolution of Object Recognition in Embedded Systems,” a Presentation from CEVA Read More +

“Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics,” A Presentation from Prism Skylabs

Doug Johnston, Founder and Vice President of Technology at Prism Skylabs, delivers the presentation "Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant: A Look Inside Prism Skylabs and Retail Analytics" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Doug explains how his firm is using vision to provide retailers with actionable intelligence based on consumer behavior.

“Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics,” A Presentation from Prism Skylabs Read More +

Vision in Wearable Devices: Enhanced and Expanded Application and Function Choices

A version of this article was originally published at EE Times' Embedded.com Design Line. It is reprinted here with the permission of EE Times. Thanks to the emergence of increasingly capable and cost-effective processors, image sensors, memories and other semiconductor devices, along with robust algorithms, it's now practical to incorporate computer vision into a wide

Vision in Wearable Devices: Enhanced and Expanded Application and Function Choices Read More +


Accelerate Machine Learning with the cuDNN Deep Neural Network Library

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's developer blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. By Larry Brown Solution Architect, NVIDIA Machine Learning (ML) has its origins in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which started out decades ago with the lofty goals of creating a computer that could do any work a

Accelerate Machine Learning with the cuDNN Deep Neural Network Library Read More +

“Convolutional Neural Networks,” an Embedded Vision Summit Keynote Presentation from Facebook

Yann LeCun, Director of AI Research at Facebook and Silver Professor of Data Science, Computer Science, Neural Science, and Electrical Engineering at New York University, presents the "Convolutional Networks: Unleashing the Potential of Machine Learning for Robust Perception Systems" keynote at the May 2014 Embedded Vision Summit. Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) have become the dominant method

“Convolutional Neural Networks,” an Embedded Vision Summit Keynote Presentation from Facebook Read More +

May 2014 Embedded Vision Summit Technical Presentation: “Fast 3D Object Recognition in Real-World Environments,” Ken Lee, VanGogh Imaging

Ken Lee, Founder of VanGogh Imaging, presents the "Fast 3D Object Recognition in Real-World Environments" tutorial at the May 2014 Embedded Vision Summit. Real-time 3D object recognition can be computationally intensive and difficult to implement when there are a lot of other objects (i.e. clutter) around the target. There are several approaches to deal with

May 2014 Embedded Vision Summit Technical Presentation: “Fast 3D Object Recognition in Real-World Environments,” Ken Lee, VanGogh Imaging Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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