Object Tracking

“Always-on Vision Becomes a Reality,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Research

Evgeni Gousev, Senior Director at Qualcomm Research, presents the "Always-On Vision Becomes a Reality" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Intelligent devices equipped with human-like senses such as always-on touch, audio and motion detection have enabled a variety of new use cases and applications, transforming the way we interact with each other and […]

“Always-on Vision Becomes a Reality,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Research Read More +

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors

Ali Osman Ors, Director of Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors at NXP Semiconductors, presents the "Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. A diverse set of sensor technologies is available and emerging to provide vehicle autonomy or driver assistance. These sensor technologies often

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors Read More +

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors

Ali Osman Ors, Director of Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors at NXP Semiconductors, presents the "Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. A diverse set of sensor technologies is available and emerging to provide vehicle autonomy or driver assistance. These sensor technologies often

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors Read More +

“Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from Michael Tusch

Michael Tusch presents the "Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Within the next few years, network cameras will cease to be regarded primarily as image capture devices. They will instead transform into intelligent data capture nodes whose functionality will in many, but not

“Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from Michael Tusch Read More +

“Computer Vision on ARM: The Spirit Object Detection Accelerator,” a Presentation from ARM

Tim Hartley, Senior Product Manager in the Imaging and Vision Group at ARM, presents the "Computer Vision on ARM: The Spirit Object Detection Accelerator" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. In 2016, ARM released Spirit, a dedicated object detection accelerator, bringing industry-leading levels of power- and area-efficiency to computer vision workflows. In this

“Computer Vision on ARM: The Spirit Object Detection Accelerator,” a Presentation from ARM Read More +


May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit Slides

The Embedded Vision Summit was held on May 1-3, 2017 in Santa Clara, California, as a educational forum for product creators interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. The presentations delivered at the Summit are listed below. All of the slides from these presentations are included in… May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit

May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit Slides Read More +

“Combining Cloud and Edge Machine Learning to Deliver the Future of Video Monitoring,” a Presentation from Camio

Carter Maslan and Luca de Alfaro of Camio deliver the presentation "Combining Cloud and Edge Machine Learning to Deliver the Future of Video Monitoring" at the February 2017 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Maslan and de Alfaro present their company's approach to using machine learning at the edge and in the cloud to deliver more

“Combining Cloud and Edge Machine Learning to Deliver the Future of Video Monitoring,” a Presentation from Camio Read More +

“Intelligent Video Surveillance: Are We There Yet?,” a Presentation from CheckVideo

Nik Gagvani, President and General Manager of CheckVideo, delivers the presentation "Intelligent Video Surveillance: Are We There Yet?" at the September 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Gagvani provides an insider's perspective on vision-enabled video surveillance applications.

“Intelligent Video Surveillance: Are We There Yet?,” a Presentation from CheckVideo Read More +

“Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles,” a Keynote Presentation from NASA JPL

Larry Matthies, senior research scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, presents the "Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles" keynote at the May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit. Say you’re an autonomous rover and you’ve just landed on Mars. Vexing questions now confront you: “Where am I and how am I moving?”

“Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles,” a Keynote Presentation from NASA JPL Read More +

Vision Processing Opportunities in Drones

UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), commonly known as drones, are a rapidly growing market and increasingly leverage embedded vision technology for digital video stabilization, autonomous navigation, and terrain analysis, among other functions. This article reviews drone market sizes and trends, and then discusses embedded vision technology applications in drones, such as image quality optimization, autonomous navigation,

Vision Processing Opportunities in Drones Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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