Object Tracking

Introduction To Computer Vision Using OpenCV (Video)

By Eric Gregori Senior Software Engineer and Embedded Vision Specialist BDTI This video training session covers some of the algorithms available in OpenCV, and is intended for programmers and non-programmers alike. You can download (and install) the BDTI OpenCV Executable Demo Package here and follow along. The examples run on various Windows operating systems and […]

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Introduction To Computer Vision Using OpenCV (Software Demo)

The BDTI OpenCV Executable Demo Package is an easy-to-use tool which allows anyone with a Windows computer and a web camera to experiment with some of the algorithms in OpenCV v2.3. After downloading the installer zip file, double-click on the zip file to uncompress its contents, then double-click on the… Introduction To Computer Vision Using

Introduction To Computer Vision Using OpenCV (Software Demo) Read More +


Introduction To Computer Vision Using OpenCV (Article)

By Eric Gregori Senior Software Engineer and Embedded Vision Specialist BDTI The name OpenCV has become synonymous with computer vision, but what is OpenCV? OpenCV is a collection of software algorithms put together in a library to be used by industry and academia for computer vision applications and research (Figure 1). OpenCV started at Intel

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