

Embedded Vision Insights: February 2, 2016 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Embedded Vision Summit Program Updates A Self-Driving Car Keynote from Google Image Recognition Via Convolutional Neural Networks Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, With only three months to go until the Embedded Vision Summit, May 2-4 in Santa Clara, California, the conference organizers […]

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Embedded Vision Insights: January 19, 2016 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Recent and Upcoming Vision Events Embedded Vision Performance and Energy Optimization New Low Power Image Recognition Competition Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Recently, I spent three days at the Consumer Electronics Show. It was time very well spent. Many of the vision-based

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Embedded Vision Insights: January 5, 2016 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Embedded Vision Summit Competitions An Introduction to Computational Photography Heterogeneous Computing in Mobile Systems Embedded Vision Community Conversations Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Happy 2016! I hope that the holiday weeks have been relaxing and rejuvenating for you, and I wish you

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Embedded Vision Insights: December 10, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Embedded Vision Summit Discount Ends Soon Real-time Hyperspectral Imaging Four Key Vision Growth Markets in 2016 Embedded Vision Community Conversations Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, I’m pleased to announce that we’ve launched an all-new Embedded Vision Summit area of the Alliance website,

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Embedded Vision Insights: November 10, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: New Demo and Tutorial Videos Vision-Based Gesture Interfaces Free Online Book: Computer Vision Metrics Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, I'm delighted to tell you about three new videos published to the Alliance website. Basler begins with a tutorial on industrial camera interfaces;

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Embedded Vision Insights: October 27, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Embedded Vision Summit 2016 Creating a Great Object Detector Implementing Deep Neural Networks on FPGAs Embedded Vision Community Conversations Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Highlights of new content on the Alliance website include two interesting technical articles from Alliance member companies. “A

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Embedded Vision Insights: October 6, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: GPU-Accelerated Computer Vision Processing The Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge OpenCL for Vision Acceleration on FPGAs Embedded Vision Community Conversations Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, GPU-based vision processing acceleration via the OpenCL API framework and other heterogeneous computing toolsets, discussed in the first

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Embedded Vision Insights: September 22, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: OpenCL on FPGAs for Deep Learning and Other Applications Histogram of Oriented Gradients Implementations Heterogeneous Computing Terms Explained Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, The final set of technical presentations from this year's Embedded Vision Summit is now on the Alliance website; I'd

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Embedded Vision Insights: September 10, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: New Embedded Vision Summit Content Creating Apps and Systems with Embedded Vision Automotive ADAS Acronyms Explained Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, I’m excited to tell you about more great new video presentations from the recent Embedded Vision Summit. In "Using Vision to

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Embedded Vision Insights: August 25, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: New Content from the Embedded Vision Summit and Alliance Member Meeting Embedded Lucas-Kanade Tracking: Theory and Implementation Has Neural Network Processors' Time Come? Embedded Vision Community Conversations Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, The Alliance continues to publish videos of great presentations from

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Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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