

Embedded Vision Insights: August 9, 2012 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: July Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit Content, September Embedded Vision Summit Plans OpenCV Keynote from Gary Bradski OpenCV Tutorial from BDTI's Eric Gregori Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, The most recent Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit was only a few weeks ago, […]

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Embedded Vision Insights: July 24, 2012 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Recent Alliance Member Summit and Upcoming Embedded Vision Event for Engineers A Gaze Tracking Demonstration Vision-Versus-Video Differentiation Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Phew! Another Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit has come and gone, last Thursday to be precise. I'd like to thank

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Embedded Vision Insights: July 12, 2012 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Alliance Member Summit Preparations and Publications, and Other Website Enhancements Finger Gesture Interfaces Using Microsoft's Kinect Intelligent Back-Up Cameras for ADAS Applications Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, As I write these words, final preparations are underway for next week's Embedded Vision Alliance

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Embedded Vision Insights: June 19, 2012 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: In the Summer, a Young Man's Fancy Lightly Turns to Thoughts of…Summits? Embedded Vision Market and Technology Trends Tutorials Enhancing Robotics Applications Via Embedded Vision Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, It's mid-June and, for many of you, thoughts might be wandering towards

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Embedded Vision Insights: June 5, 2012 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Vision-Based Driver Assistance: Coming Soon to Your Car? ADAS Market Analysis: Current Status and Future Trends Semiconductor Suppliers Prepare For the ADAS Demand Ramp Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Rarely is it the case that I'm able to construct an entire newsletter

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Embedded Vision Insights: May 15, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, Microsoft's Kinect peripheral for the Xbox 360 game console and Windows 7-based PCs singlehandedly brought awareness of vision-based applications such as gesture interfaces and facial recognition to the masses. It's also the embedded vision foundation for a plethora of other system implementations, either based on Microsoft's O/S and thereby leveraging the official Kinect

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Embedded Vision Insights: April 17, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, I'm admittedly feeling pretty good right now. That's because I've just reviewed the attendee feedback from the late-March Embedded Vision Alliance Summit, and the strong ratings and positive supporting comments combine to confirm my gut feel that it was an extremely valuable event for Alliance members and press-and-analyst attendees alike. To the latter

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Embedded Vision Insights: April 3, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, Last week's quarterly Embedded Vision Alliance Summit, held in Silicon Valley, was notably successful on several fronts. With nearly 50 member attendees representing nearly all of the Alliance companies, the Summit was an effective opportunity to touch base with existing business contacts, make new connections, exchange information, and strategize the way forward for

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Embedded Vision Insights: March 13, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, In the previous newsletter, I told you about embedded vision-related developments coming out of the Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona, Spain. Since then, two additional notable conferences have come and gone, both including plenty of embedded vision news of their own. CeBIT took place from March 6-10 in Hannover, Germany, while the

Embedded Vision Insights: March 13, 2012 Edition Read More +

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