
How to Fool a Neural Network

This blog post was originally published at Digica’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Digica. Nowadays, no one needs to be convinced of the power and usefulness of deep neural networks. AI solutions based on neural networks have revolutionised almost every area of ​​technology, business, medicine, science and military applications. After the

How to Fool a Neural Network Read More +

Deep Learning Models Which Pay Attention (Part II): Attention (Special Focus) in Computer Vision

This blog post was originally published at Digica’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Digica. In the previous article, I described attention mechanisms by using an example of natural language processing. This method was first used in language processing, but this is not its only usage. We can also use attention mechanisms

Deep Learning Models Which Pay Attention (Part II): Attention (Special Focus) in Computer Vision Read More +

Deep Learning Models Which Pay Attention (Part I)

This blog post was originally published at Digica’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Digica. The attention mechanism made big changes in deep learning. Thanks to this, models can achieve better results. This mechanism was also the inspiration for perceivers and also transformer neural networks . And transformers led to the development

Deep Learning Models Which Pay Attention (Part I) Read More +

Why is Explaining Machine Learning Models Important?

This blog post was originally published at Digica’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Digica. Why is explaining machine learning models important? The main focus in machine learning projects is to optimize metrics  like accuracy, precision, recall, etc. We put effort into hyper-parameter tuning or designing good data pre-processing. What if these

Why is Explaining Machine Learning Models Important? Read More +

Heart Rate Detection with Open CV

This blog post was originally published at Digica’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Digica. Heart rate detection with Open CV It’s probably no surprise to you that heart rate can be measured using different gadgets like smartphones or smartwatches. But did you know you can measure it using just the  camera

Heart Rate Detection with Open CV Read More +

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