Edge AI and Vision Alliance

“The Vision Acceleration API Landscape: Options and Trade-offs,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group

Neil Trevett, President of the Khronos Group and Vice President at NVIDIA, presents the "Vision Acceleration API Landscape: Options and Trade-offs" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. The landscape of APIs for accelerating vision and neural network software using specialized processors continues to rapidly evolve. Many industry-standard APIs, such as OpenCL and OpenVX, […]

“The Vision Acceleration API Landscape: Options and Trade-offs,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group Read More +

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Cloud-versus-Edge and Centralized-versus-Distributed: Evaluating Vision Processing Alternatives

Although incorporating visual intelligence in your next product is an increasingly beneficial (not to mention practically feasible) decision, how to best implement this intelligence is less obvious. Image processing can optionally take place completely within the edge device, in a network-connected cloud server, or subdivided among these locations. And at the edge, centralized and distributed

Cloud-versus-Edge and Centralized-versus-Distributed: Evaluating Vision Processing Alternatives Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: June 8, 2017 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, If you're creating algorithms and software that enable systems to see and understand the world around them and want to quickly come up to speed on using the popular TensorFlow framework, don't miss our full-day, hands-on training class next month: Deep Learning for Computer Vision with TensorFlow. It takes

Embedded Vision Insights: June 8, 2017 Edition Read More +

“Deep Visual Understanding from Deep Learning,” a Keynote Presentation from Professor Jitendra Malik

Jitendra Malik, Arthur J. Chick Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, presents the "Deep Visual Understanding from Deep Learning" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Deep learning and neural networks coupled with high-performance computing have led to remarkable advances in computer

“Deep Visual Understanding from Deep Learning,” a Keynote Presentation from Professor Jitendra Malik Read More +

“A Shallow Dive into Training Deep Neural Networks,” a Presentation from DeepScale

Sammy Sidhu, Senior Engineer at DeepScale, presents the "A Shallow Dive into Training Deep Neural Networks" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. In this talk, Sidhu introduces the basics of training deep neural network models for vision tasks. He begins by explaining fundamental training concepts and terms, including loss functions and gradients. He

“A Shallow Dive into Training Deep Neural Networks,” a Presentation from DeepScale Read More +

“1,000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance

Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and Co-founder and President of BDTI, presents the "1000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Just a few years ago, it was inconceivable that everyday devices would incorporate visual intelligence. Now it’s clear

“1,000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance Read More +

“Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from Michael Tusch

Michael Tusch presents the "Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Within the next few years, network cameras will cease to be regarded primarily as image capture devices. They will instead transform into intelligent data capture nodes whose functionality will in many, but not

“Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from Michael Tusch Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: May 23, 2017 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, TensorFlow has become a popular framework for creating machine learning-based computer vision applications, especially for the development of deep neural networks. If you’re planning to develop computer vision applications using deep learning and want to understand how to use TensorFlow to do it, then don’t miss the Embedded Vision

Embedded Vision Insights: May 23, 2017 Edition Read More +

“How to Start an Embedded Vision Company,” a Presentation from Cognite Ventures

Chris Rowen, CEO of Cognite Ventures, presents the "How to Start an Embedded Vision Company" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. This talk outlines the essential opportunity and daunting challenges of building significant new companies based on deep learning technology, specifically in vision systems. It draws on presenter Chris Rowen's long experience as

“How to Start an Embedded Vision Company,” a Presentation from Cognite Ventures Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: May 11, 2017 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, This year's Embedded Vision Summit, which took place last week, was the best yet; more than 1,000 attendees, more than 90 speakers across five presentation tracks, and more than 50 exhibitors demonstrating more than 100 vision technologies and products. A downloadable slide set of the presentations from the Summit

Embedded Vision Insights: May 11, 2017 Edition Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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