Edge AI and Vision Alliance

Image Quality Analysis, Enhancement and Optimization Techniques for Computer Vision

This article explains the differences between images intended for human viewing and for computer analysis, and how these differences factor into the hardware and software design of a camera intended for computer vision applications versus traditional still and video image capture. It discusses various methods, both industry standard and proprietary, for assessing and optimizing computer […]

Image Quality Analysis, Enhancement and Optimization Techniques for Computer Vision Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: February 14, 2017 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, The Embedded Vision Alliance is performing research to better understand what types of technologies are needed by developers who are incorporating computer vision in new systems and applications. To help guide suppliers in creating the technologies that will be most useful to you, please take a few minutes to

Embedded Vision Insights: February 14, 2017 Edition Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: February 1, 2017 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, The Embedded Vision Summit, the only event dedicated entirely to the creation of products and services that see, is right around the corner, and the Super Early Bird Discount is ending today. Join industry leaders, engineers, marketers, business and technology executives and analysts for three robust days of learning,

Embedded Vision Insights: February 1, 2017 Edition Read More +


“Recent Developments in Embedded Vision: Algorithms, Processors, Tools and Applications,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance

On January 25, 2017, Embedded Vision Alliance founder Jeff Bier delivered the webinar “Recent Developments in Embedded Vision: Algorithms, Processors, Tools and Applications”, in partnership with Vision Systems Design. Bier’s presentation is available for download here (3.6 MB PDF). For more information and to view the free on-demand archive of… “Recent Developments in Embedded Vision:

“Recent Developments in Embedded Vision: Algorithms, Processors, Tools and Applications,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: January 18, 2017 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, We invite you to join us at the Embedded Vision Summit, the only event dedicated entirely to the creation of products and services that see. We’ve curated three immersive days of learning, discovery and networking. We’ll have more than 50 computer vision industry leaders, including: Jeff Bier, President, BDTI

Embedded Vision Insights: January 18, 2017 Edition Read More +

“Image and Video Summarization,” a Presentation from the University of Washington

Professor Jeff Bilmes of the University of Washington delivers the presentation "Image and Video Summarization" at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Bilmes provides an overview of the state of the art in image and video summarization.

“Image and Video Summarization,” a Presentation from the University of Washington Read More +

“Deploying Embedded Vision for Retail Analytics,” a Presentation from RetailNext

RetailNext's Mark Jamtgaard, Director of Technology, and Bill Adamec, Research and Development Manager, deliver the presentation "Deploying Embedded Vision for Retail Analytics" at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Jamtgaard and Adamec Chehebar explain how retailers are using embedded vision to optimize store layout and staffing based on measured customer behavior at scale.

“Deploying Embedded Vision for Retail Analytics,” a Presentation from RetailNext Read More +

“New Standards for Embedded Vision and Neural Networks,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group

Peter McGuinness, representing the Khronos Group, delivers the presentation "New Standards for Embedded Vision and Neural Networks" at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. McGuinness discusses new standardization work for embedded neural network and vision software.

“New Standards for Embedded Vision and Neural Networks,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group Read More +

“Using Vision to Improve Waste Collection Efficiency,” a Presentation from Compology

Ben Chehebar, co-founder of Compology, delivers the presentation "Using Vision to Improve Waste Collection Efficiency" at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Chehebar describes a novel vision-based solution that is dramatically improving the efficiency of trash collection.

“Using Vision to Improve Waste Collection Efficiency,” a Presentation from Compology Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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