Edge AI and Vision Alliance

“What’s Augmented? What’s Reality?,” a Presentation from PTC

Jay Wright, President and General Manager of Vuforia at PTC, delivers the presentation "What's Augmented? What's Reality?" at the September 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Wright provides insights on augmented reality markets, applications and technology.

“What’s Augmented? What’s Reality?,” a Presentation from PTC Read More +


Taking on Poverty with Jobs Created by Machine Learning and Computer Vision

This article was originally published by Embedded Vision Alliance consultant Dave Tokic. It is reprinted here with Tokic's permission. How one non-profit is helping the poorest by enabling cutting edge image search and self-driving cars  1.2 billion people (22 percent) live in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 a day worldwide and about 50% of

Taking on Poverty with Jobs Created by Machine Learning and Computer Vision Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: September 27, 2016 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, In the coming months, Embedded Vision Alliance member companies VeriSilicon and Xilinx will deliver several free, hour-long webinars on various computer vision topics, in partnership with the Alliance. On October 19 at 10 am Pacific Time, VeriSilicon will present "Learning at the Speed of Sight," which discusses how the

Embedded Vision Insights: September 27, 2016 Edition Read More +

Vision Processing Opportunities in Virtual Reality

VR (virtual reality) systems are beginning to incorporate practical computer vision techniques, dramatically improving the user experience as well as reducing system cost. This article provides an overview of embedded vision opportunities in virtual reality systems, such as environmental mapping, gesture interface, and eye tracking, along with implementation details. It also introduces an industry alliance

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Vision Processing Opportunities in Drones

UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), commonly known as drones, are a rapidly growing market and increasingly leverage embedded vision technology for digital video stabilization, autonomous navigation, and terrain analysis, among other functions. This article reviews drone market sizes and trends, and then discusses embedded vision technology applications in drones, such as image quality optimization, autonomous navigation,

Vision Processing Opportunities in Drones Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: September 13, 2016 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Next Thursday, September 22 from 9 am to 5 pm, the primary Caffe developers from U.C. Berkeley's Vision and Learning Center will present "Deep Learning for Vision Using CNNs and Caffe," a full-day detailed technical tutorial focused on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for vision and the Caffe framework for

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Embedded Vision Insights: August 30, 2016 Edition

FEATURED VIDEOS "Tailoring Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Cost, Low-Power Implementation," a Presentation from Synopsys Deep learning-based object detection using convolutional neural networks (CNN) has recently emerged as one of the leading approaches for achieving state-of-the-art detection accuracy for a wide range of object classes. Most of the current CNN-based detection algorithm implementations run on high-performance

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Embedded Vision Insights: August 16, 2016 Edition

FEATURED VIDEOS "3D from 2D: Theory, Implementation, and Applications of Structure from Motion," a Presentation from videantis Structure from motion uses a unique combination of algorithms that extract depth information using a single 2D moving camera. Using a calibrated camera, feature detection, and feature tracking, the algorithms calculate an accurate camera pose and a 3D

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May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit Introductory Presentation (Day 1)

Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance, welcomes attendees to the May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit on May 2, 2016 (Day 1). Bier provides an overview of the embedded vision market opportunity, challenges, solutions and trends. He also introduces the Embedded Vision Alliance and the resources it offers for both product creators and potential

May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit Introductory Presentation (Day 1) Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: August 2, 2016 Edition

FEATURED VIDEOS Combining Flexibility and Low-Power in Embedded Vision Subsystems: An Application to Pedestrian Detection Bruno Lavigueur, Embedded Vision Subsystem Project Leader at Synopsys, presents a case study of a pedestrian detection application. Starting from a high-level functional description in OpenCV, he decomposes and maps the application onto a heterogeneous platform consisting of a high-performance

Embedded Vision Insights: August 2, 2016 Edition Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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