Edge AI and Vision Alliance


Embedded Vision Insights: February 10, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Embedded Vision Summit Keynotes Consumer Adoption of Surveilance Systems for the Home Vision Opportunities in IoT Applications Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, A month ago, I directed your attention to the just-launched "microsite" for the upcoming Embedded Vision Summit, a technical educational […]

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Embedded Vision Insights: January 27, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: The Internet of Things That See Analyzing Processors for Vision Semiconductor Trends in Computational Photography Embedded Vision Community Conversations Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Back in early December, I mentioned that some of the presentations from the upcoming Alliance Member Meeting would

Embedded Vision Insights: January 27, 2015 Edition Read More +

Surveillance camera ratings from consumers

The Internet of Things That See

The Internet of Things (IoT), the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices, will increasingly be a key vision processing opportunity. By Brian Dipert Editor-in-Chief, Embedded Vision Alliance The "Internet of Things" (abbreviated IoT), one of the hottest topics in technology today, is widely anticipated to be a notable driver of both semiconductor and software

The Internet of Things That See Read More +

“An Update on OpenVX and Other Vision-Related Standards,” A Presentation from Khronos

Elif Albuz, Manager of Vision Software at NVIDIA, delivers the presentation "Update on OpenVX and Other Khronos Standards" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Elif provides an update on the newly released OpenVX standard, and other vision-related standards in progress.

“An Update on OpenVX and Other Vision-Related Standards,” A Presentation from Khronos Read More +

“Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics,” A Presentation from Prism Skylabs

Doug Johnston, Founder and Vice President of Technology at Prism Skylabs, delivers the presentation "Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant: A Look Inside Prism Skylabs and Retail Analytics" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Doug explains how his firm is using vision to provide retailers with actionable intelligence based on consumer behavior.

“Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics,” A Presentation from Prism Skylabs Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: January 13, 2015 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: CES Announcements An Automated Driving Demonstration Vision in Wearable Devices Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, Welcome to 2015! I hope you had a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday time off, and I wish you the best both personally and professionally in the year

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Embedded Vision Insights: December 16, 2014 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Year-End Gratitude Efficient Disparity Map Computation Automotive Sensor Fusion Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, As the year draws to a close, my mind lingers on what I'm thankful for…both in general and specific to embedded vision. I'm grateful, for example, for the

Embedded Vision Insights: December 16, 2014 Edition Read More +

Vision in Wearable Devices: Enhanced and Expanded Application and Function Choices

A version of this article was originally published at EE Times' Embedded.com Design Line. It is reprinted here with the permission of EE Times. Thanks to the emergence of increasingly capable and cost-effective processors, image sensors, memories and other semiconductor devices, along with robust algorithms, it's now practical to incorporate computer vision into a wide

Vision in Wearable Devices: Enhanced and Expanded Application and Function Choices Read More +


Semiconductor Innovations in Computer Vision and Mobile Photography

A version of this article was originally published at EE Times' Embedded.com Design Line. It is reprinted here with the permission of EE Times. As interest grows in taking better photographs and videos and extracting knowledge from those images, innovative semiconductor architectures are emerging to provide powerful, low-power vision capabilities By Michael McDonald President, Skylane

Semiconductor Innovations in Computer Vision and Mobile Photography Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: December 2, 2014 Edition

In this edition of Embedded Vision Insights: Expanded Alliance Membership Better Sensors, Better Images Retail Opportunities for Vision Processing Embedded Vision in the News LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, I’m pleased to report that Embedded Vision Alliance membership continues to expand rapidly and now stands at 49 companies. Recent additions include FotoNation, Intel, IRIDA

Embedded Vision Insights: December 2, 2014 Edition Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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