Edge AI and Vision Alliance

20/20 Embedded Vision for Robots

By Alexandra Dopplinger Global Segment Marketing Manager, Freescale Semiconductor and Brian Dipert Editor-In-Chief Embedded Vision Alliance Senior Analyst BDTI This article was originally published by Electronic Products Magazine. It is reprinted here with the permission of the original publisher. If you order a pair of shoes (or a dozen) from Zappos (the largest online footwear […]

20/20 Embedded Vision for Robots Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: May 15, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, Microsoft's Kinect peripheral for the Xbox 360 game console and Windows 7-based PCs singlehandedly brought awareness of vision-based applications such as gesture interfaces and facial recognition to the masses. It's also the embedded vision foundation for a plethora of other system implementations, either based on Microsoft's O/S and thereby leveraging the official Kinect

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Embedded Vision In Medicine: Let Smartphone Apps Inspire Your Design Decisions

By Brian Dipert Editor-In-Chief Embedded Vision Alliance Senior Analyst BDTI This article was originally published by Medical Design Technology. It is reprinted here with the permission of the original publisher. Embedded vision refers to the ability of equipment to extract meaning from (and appropriately respond to) visual inputs.  It's quickly becoming the hottest trend in

Embedded Vision In Medicine: Let Smartphone Apps Inspire Your Design Decisions Read More +

March 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Summit Panel Discussion

Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and co-founder and president of BDTI, moderates the panel discussion "Beyond Kinect; From Research to Revenue," at the March 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Also participating are Jim Donlon (Project Manager, DARPA), Bruce Kleinman (Corporate Vice President, Platform Marketing, Xilinx), Bruce Flinchbaugh (Fellow and Manager of Vision R&D,

March 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Summit Panel Discussion Read More +

March 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Summit Keynote: Jim Donlon, DARPA

Jim Donlon, Program Manager for DARPA (the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) describes the objectives, to-date history, current status and future plans of the Mind's Eye program. Mind's Eye "seeks to develop the capability for visual intelligence by automating the ability to learn generally applicable and generative representations of action between objects in a

March 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Summit Keynote: Jim Donlon, DARPA Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: April 17, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, I'm admittedly feeling pretty good right now. That's because I've just reviewed the attendee feedback from the late-March Embedded Vision Alliance Summit, and the strong ratings and positive supporting comments combine to confirm my gut feel that it was an extremely valuable event for Alliance members and press-and-analyst attendees alike. To the latter

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Embedded Vision Insights: April 3, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, Last week's quarterly Embedded Vision Alliance Summit, held in Silicon Valley, was notably successful on several fronts. With nearly 50 member attendees representing nearly all of the Alliance companies, the Summit was an effective opportunity to touch base with existing business contacts, make new connections, exchange information, and strategize the way forward for

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Embedded Vision Insights: March 13, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, In the previous newsletter, I told you about embedded vision-related developments coming out of the Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona, Spain. Since then, two additional notable conferences have come and gone, both including plenty of embedded vision news of their own. CeBIT took place from March 6-10 in Hannover, Germany, while the

Embedded Vision Insights: March 13, 2012 Edition Read More +


Embedded Vision Insights: March 1, 2012 Edition

Dear Colleague, As I write these words, the Mobile World Congress show is underway in Barcelona, Spain. At this yearly event, one of the most important cellular communications conferences, mobile handset and tablet manufacturers and their service provider partners reveal their latest and greatest offerings. And alongside them are the silicon and software providers, unveiling

Embedded Vision Insights: March 1, 2012 Edition Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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