
OpenCL Eases Development of Computer Vision Software for Heterogeneous Processors

OpenCL™, a maturing set of programming languages and APIs from the Khronos Group, enables software developers to efficiently harness the profusion of diverse processing resources in modern SoCs, in an abundance of applications including embedded vision. Computer scientists describe computer vision, the use of digital processing and intelligent algorithms to interpret meaning from still and […]

OpenCL Eases Development of Computer Vision Software for Heterogeneous Processors Read More +

“An Update on OpenVX and Other Vision-Related Standards,” A Presentation from Khronos

Elif Albuz, Manager of Vision Software at NVIDIA, delivers the presentation "Update on OpenVX and Other Khronos Standards" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Elif provides an update on the newly released OpenVX standard, and other vision-related standards in progress.

“An Update on OpenVX and Other Vision-Related Standards,” A Presentation from Khronos Read More +


Accelerate Machine Learning with the cuDNN Deep Neural Network Library

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's developer blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. By Larry Brown Solution Architect, NVIDIA Machine Learning (ML) has its origins in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which started out decades ago with the lofty goals of creating a computer that could do any work a

Accelerate Machine Learning with the cuDNN Deep Neural Network Library Read More +

It’s Tegra K1 Everywhere at Google I/O

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. You couldn’t get very far at Google I/O’s dazzling kickoff today without bumping into our new Tegra K1 mobile processor. The keynote showed off Google’s new Android L operating system’s gaming capabilities on a Tegra K1 reference device.

It’s Tegra K1 Everywhere at Google I/O Read More +

Tegra K1-Powered Project Tango DevKit Opens Door to New Worlds Enabled by Computer Vision

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Google’s new Project Tango Tablet Developers’ Kit puts powerful new capabilities in the hands of those ready to harness the promise of computer vision. Fast-forwarding Google’s Project Tango from experimental device to developer kit, the tablet incorporates cameras

Tegra K1-Powered Project Tango DevKit Opens Door to New Worlds Enabled by Computer Vision Read More +


Embedded Vision: Enabling Smarter Mobile Apps and Devices

For decades, computer vision technology was found mainly in university laboratories and a few niche applications. Today, virtually every tablet and smartphone is capable of sophisticated vision functions such as hand gesture recognition, face recognition, gaze tracking, and object recognition. These capabilities are being used to enable new types of applications, user interfaces, and use

Embedded Vision: Enabling Smarter Mobile Apps and Devices Read More +

Why the Future of Self-Driving Cars Depends on Visual Computing

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Everybody hates driving through cross-town traffic. This week, Google said they’re doing something about it, announcing that they’ve shifted the focus of their Self-Driving Car Project from cruising down freeways to mastering city streets. The blog post, by

Why the Future of Self-Driving Cars Depends on Visual Computing Read More +


Anything But Pedestrian: How GPU-Powered Brains Can Help Cars Keep People Safe

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Today’s crowded urban centers are, more than ever, a mine field for drivers. It’s not just that there are more pedestrians on the streets; many of them are staring at or talking on their mobile devices as they

Anything But Pedestrian: How GPU-Powered Brains Can Help Cars Keep People Safe Read More +

NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang on stage and speaking about machine learning.

What’s Machine Learning? Thanks to GPU Accelerators, You’re Already Soaking In It

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Adobe, Baidu, Netflix, Yandex. Some of the biggest names in social media and cloud computing use NVIDIA CUDA-based GPU accelerators to provide seemingly magical search, intelligent image analysis and personalized movie recommendations, based on a technology called advanced

What’s Machine Learning? Thanks to GPU Accelerators, You’re Already Soaking In It Read More +


How GPUs Help Computers Understand What They’re Seeing

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Researchers have been able to advance computerized object recognition to once unfathomable levels, thanks to GPUs. Building on the work of neural network pioneers Kunihiko Fukushima and Yann LeCun – and more recent efforts by teams at the

How GPUs Help Computers Understand What They’re Seeing Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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