Summit 2021

“High-fidelity Conversion of Floating-point Networks for Low-precision Inference Using Distillation with Limited Data,” a Presentation from Imagination Technologies

James Imber, Senior Research Engineer at Imagination Technologies, presents the “High-fidelity Conversion of Floating-point Networks for Low-precision Inference Using Distillation with Limited Data” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. When converting floating-point networks to low-precision equivalents for high-performance inference, the primary objective is to maximally compress the network whilst maintaining fidelity to the […]

“High-fidelity Conversion of Floating-point Networks for Low-precision Inference Using Distillation with Limited Data,” a Presentation from Imagination Technologies Read More +

“Facing Up to Bias,” a Presentation from Perceive

Steve Teig, CEO of Perceive, presents the “Facing Up to Bias” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Today’s face recognition networks identify white men correctly more often than white women or non-white people. The use of these models can manifest racism, sexism, and other troubling forms of discrimination. There are also publications suggesting

“Facing Up to Bias,” a Presentation from Perceive Read More +

“Getting Started with Vision AI Model Training,” a Presentation from NVIDIA

Ekaterina Sirazitdinova, Data Scientist at NVIDIA, presents the “Getting Started with Vision AI Model Training” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. In many modern vision and graphics applications, deep neural networks (DNNs) enable state-of-the-art performance for tasks like image classification, object detection and segmentation, quality enhancement and even new content generation. In this

“Getting Started with Vision AI Model Training,” a Presentation from NVIDIA Read More +

“Khronos Group Standards: Powering the Future of Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group

Neil Trevett, Vice President of Developer Ecosystems at NVIDIA and President of the Khronos Group, presents the “Khronos Group Standards: Powering the Future of Embedded Vision” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Open standards play an important role in enabling interoperability for faster, easier deployment of vision-based systems. With advances in machine learning,

“Khronos Group Standards: Powering the Future of Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group Read More +

“Tools and Strategies for Quickly Building Effective Image Datasets,” a Presentation from BDTI

Evan Juras, Computer Vision Engineer at BDTI, presents the “Tools and Strategies for Quickly Building Effective Image Datasets,” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. A common pain point when using machine learning for computer vision is the need to manually curate and label large quantities of training images. Depending on the application, thousands

“Tools and Strategies for Quickly Building Effective Image Datasets,” a Presentation from BDTI Read More +

“Automated Neural Network Model Training: The Impact on Deploying and Scaling ML at the Edge,” a Presentation from Arm

Tim Hartley, Vice President of Product and Marketing at SeeChange Technologies (an Arm company), presents the “Automated Neural Network Model Training: The Impact on Deploying and Scaling ML at the Edge” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Neural networks are being used to solve an ever-increasing number of use cases, elevating the importance

“Automated Neural Network Model Training: The Impact on Deploying and Scaling ML at the Edge,” a Presentation from Arm Read More +

“IoT and Vision: Why It’s a Security Minefield and How to Navigate It,” a Presentation from Arm

Dr. Lyndon Fawcett, Principal Software Security Architect at Arm, presents the “IoT and Vision: Why It’s a Security Minefield and How to Navigate It” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Recent advancements in machine learning have enabled market innovators to build insights from IoT sensors in the wild. These insights can be used

“IoT and Vision: Why It’s a Security Minefield and How to Navigate It,” a Presentation from Arm Read More +

“Robust Object Detection Under Dataset Shifts,” a Presentation from Arm

Partha Maji, Principal Research Scientist at Arm’s Machine Learning Research Lab, presents the “Robust Object Detection Under Dataset Shifts” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. In image classification tasks, the evaluation of models’ robustness to increased dataset shifts with a probabilistic framework is very well studied. However, object detection (OD) tasks pose other

“Robust Object Detection Under Dataset Shifts,” a Presentation from Arm Read More +

“Using LAON PEOPLE’s AI Machine Vision Tools to Develop Manufacturing Inspection Solutions,” a Presentation from LAON PEOPLE

Henry Sang, Director of Business Development at LAON PEOPLE, presents the “Using LAON PEOPLE’s AI Machine Vision Tools to Develop Manufacturing Inspection Solutions” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Detecting defects in parts and products is a common need in manufacturing. Sang shows how to use LAON PEOPLE’s AI machine vision tools to

“Using LAON PEOPLE’s AI Machine Vision Tools to Develop Manufacturing Inspection Solutions,” a Presentation from LAON PEOPLE Read More +

“Dynamic Neural Accelerator and MERA Compiler for Low-latency and Energy-efficient Inference at the Edge,” a Presentation from EdgeCortix

Sakyasingha Dasgupta, the founder and CEO of EdgeCortix, presents the “Dynamic Neural Accelerator and MERA Compiler for Low-latency and Energy-efficient Inference at the Edge” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Achieving high performance and power efficiency for machine learning inference at the edge requires maintaining high chip utilization, even with a batch size

“Dynamic Neural Accelerator and MERA Compiler for Low-latency and Energy-efficient Inference at the Edge,” a Presentation from EdgeCortix Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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