Summit 2021

“Building an Autonomous Detect-and-Avoid System for Commercial Drones,” a Presentation from Iris Automation

Alejandro Galindo, Head of Research and Development at Iris Automation, presents the “Building an Autonomous Detect-and-Avoid System for Commercial Drones” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Commercial and industrial drones have the potential to completely disrupt industries and create new ones. Used in applications such as infrastructure inspection, search and rescue, package delivery, […]

“Building an Autonomous Detect-and-Avoid System for Commercial Drones,” a Presentation from Iris Automation Read More +

“Introduction to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM),” a Presentation from Gareth Cross

Independent game developer (and former technical lead of state estimation at Skydio) Gareth Cross presents the “Introduction to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. This talk provides an introduction to the fundamentals of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Cross aims to provide foundational knowledge, and viewers are not

“Introduction to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM),” a Presentation from Gareth Cross Read More +

“Building the Eyes of a Vision System: From Photons to Bits,” a Presentation from GoPro

Jon Stern, Director of Optical Systems at GoPro, presents the “Building the Eyes of a Vision System: From Photons to Bits” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. In this tutorial, Stern presents a guide to the multidisciplinary science of building the eyes of a vision system. CMOS image sensors have been instrumental in

“Building the Eyes of a Vision System: From Photons to Bits,” a Presentation from GoPro Read More +

“Efficient Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding,” a Presentation from Facebook

Bichen Wu, Research Scientist at Facebook Reality Labs, presents the “Efficient Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Understanding the 3D environment is a crucial computer vision capability required by a growing set of applications such as autonomous driving, AR/VR and AIoT. 3D visual information, captured by

“Efficient Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding,” a Presentation from Facebook Read More +

“Modern Machine Vision from Basics to Advanced Deep Learning,” a Presentation from Deep Netts

Zoran Sevarac, Associate Professor at the University of Belgrade and Co-founder and CEO of Deep Netts, presents the “Modern Machine Vision from Basics to Advanced Deep Learning” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. In this talk, Sevarac introduces the fundamentals of deep learning for image understanding. He begins by explaining the basics of

“Modern Machine Vision from Basics to Advanced Deep Learning,” a Presentation from Deep Netts Read More +

“Intelligent Vision System for Grains,” a Presentation from CSEM

Andrea Dunbar, Sector Head for Edge AI and Vision at CSEM, presents the “Intelligent Vision System for Grains” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. In this presentation, Dunbar discusses the challenges and lessons learned in implementing a custom intelligent vision system to detect types of grain and measure flow rate and morphology of

“Intelligent Vision System for Grains,” a Presentation from CSEM Read More +

“Super Resolution on Resource Constrained Devices,” a Presentation from Collabora

Marcus Edel, Machine Learning Engineer, and Aaron Boxer, Senior Software Developer, both of Collabora, present the “Super Resolution on Resource Constrained Devices” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Internet video streaming has recently experienced tremendous growth, but delivery quality remains critically dependent on network bandwidth. To mitigate bandwidth limitations, most video is compressed,

“Super Resolution on Resource Constrained Devices,” a Presentation from Collabora Read More +

“A Practical Guide to Implementing ML on Embedded Devices,” a Presentation from the Chamberlain Group

Nathan Kopp, Principal Software Architect for Video Systems at the Chamberlain Group, presents the “Practical Guide to Implementing ML on Embedded Devices” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Deploying machine learning onto edge devices requires many choices and trade-offs. Fortunately, processor designers are adding inference-enhancing instructions and architectures to even the lowest cost

“A Practical Guide to Implementing ML on Embedded Devices,” a Presentation from the Chamberlain Group Read More +

“A Survey of CMOS Imagers and Lenses—and the Trade-offs You Should Consider,” a Presentation from Capable Robot Components

Chris Osterwood, Founder and CEO of Capable Robot Components, presents the “Survey of CMOS Imagers and Lenses—and the Trade-offs You Should Consider” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. Selecting the right imager and lens for your vision application is often a daunting challenge due to the vast number of products on the market

“A Survey of CMOS Imagers and Lenses—and the Trade-offs You Should Consider,” a Presentation from Capable Robot Components Read More +

“Is My Model Performing Well? It Depends…,” a Presentation from BMW Group

Vladimir Haltakov, Self-Driving Car Engineer at BMW Group, presents the “Is My Model Performing Well? It Depends…” tutorial at the May 2021 Embedded Vision Summit. There are many statistical metrics used to measure the performance of machine learning models. While they work well when the model itself is the final product, classical measures are often

“Is My Model Performing Well? It Depends…,” a Presentation from BMW Group Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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