

OpenCL Eases Development of Computer Vision Software for Heterogeneous Processors

OpenCL™, a maturing set of programming languages and APIs from the Khronos Group, enables software developers to efficiently harness the profusion of diverse processing resources in modern SoCs, in an abundance of applications including embedded vision. Computer scientists describe computer vision, the use of digital processing and intelligent algorithms to interpret meaning from still and […]

OpenCL Eases Development of Computer Vision Software for Heterogeneous Processors Read More +

Gaze Tracking Using CogniMem Technologies’ CM1K and a Freescale i.MX53

This demonstration, which pairs a Freescale i.MX Quick Start board and CogniMem Technologies CM1K evaluation module, showcases how to use your eyes (specifically where you are looking at any particular point in time) as a mouse. Translating where a customer is looking to actions on a screen, and using gaze tracking to electronically control objects

Gaze Tracking Using CogniMem Technologies’ CM1K and a Freescale i.MX53 Read More +

Adding Precise Finger Gesture Recognition Capabilities to the Microsoft Kinect

CogniMem’s Chris McCormick, application engineer, demonstrates how the addition of general-purpose and scalable pattern recognition can be used to bring enhanced gesture control to the Microsoft Kinect. Envisioned applications include augmenting or eliminating the TV remote control, using American Sign Language for direct text translation, and expanding the game-playing experience. To process even more gestures

Adding Precise Finger Gesture Recognition Capabilities to the Microsoft Kinect Read More +

“An Update on OpenVX and Other Vision-Related Standards,” A Presentation from Khronos

Elif Albuz, Manager of Vision Software at NVIDIA, delivers the presentation "Update on OpenVX and Other Khronos Standards" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Elif provides an update on the newly released OpenVX standard, and other vision-related standards in progress.

“An Update on OpenVX and Other Vision-Related Standards,” A Presentation from Khronos Read More +

“Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics,” A Presentation from Prism Skylabs

Doug Johnston, Founder and Vice President of Technology at Prism Skylabs, delivers the presentation "Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant: A Look Inside Prism Skylabs and Retail Analytics" at the December 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Doug explains how his firm is using vision to provide retailers with actionable intelligence based on consumer behavior.

“Keeping Brick and Mortar Relevant, A Look Inside Retail Analytics,” A Presentation from Prism Skylabs Read More +

Vision in Wearable Devices: Enhanced and Expanded Application and Function Choices

A version of this article was originally published at EE Times' Design Line. It is reprinted here with the permission of EE Times. Thanks to the emergence of increasingly capable and cost-effective processors, image sensors, memories and other semiconductor devices, along with robust algorithms, it's now practical to incorporate computer vision into a wide

Vision in Wearable Devices: Enhanced and Expanded Application and Function Choices Read More +


Semiconductor Innovations in Computer Vision and Mobile Photography

A version of this article was originally published at EE Times' Design Line. It is reprinted here with the permission of EE Times. As interest grows in taking better photographs and videos and extracting knowledge from those images, innovative semiconductor architectures are emerging to provide powerful, low-power vision capabilities By Michael McDonald President, Skylane

Semiconductor Innovations in Computer Vision and Mobile Photography Read More +


Automotive Fusion: Combining Legacy and Emerging Sensors for Safer and Increasingly Autonomous Vehicles

Vision technologies are rapidly emerging in the automotive market and improving the safety of vehicles. Fused with other technologies such as RADAR, LIDAR, and far infrared sensors, the automobile is well on its way to becoming fully self-driving.  By Michael McDonald President, Skylane Technology Consulting Consultant, Embedded Vision Alliance Many of us have been affected,

Automotive Fusion: Combining Legacy and Emerging Sensors for Safer and Increasingly Autonomous Vehicles Read More +


Practical Computer Vision Enables Digital Signage with Audience Perception

This article was originally published at Information Display Magazine. It is reprinted here with the permission of the Society of Information Display. Signs that see and understand the actions and characteristics of individuals in front of them can deliver numerous benefits to advertisers and viewers alike.  Such capabilities were once only practical in research labs

Practical Computer Vision Enables Digital Signage with Audience Perception Read More +

“Harnessing Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud- and Mobile-Based Visual Search,” A Presentation From Baidu

Dr. Ren Wu, Distinguished Scientist at Baidu, delivers the presentation "Harnessing Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud- and Mobile-Based Visual Search" at the September 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. As China's leading search engine, Baidu's focus is not only on indexing website text but also multimedia content, such as audio files, still images and video clips.

“Harnessing Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud- and Mobile-Based Visual Search,” A Presentation From Baidu Read More +

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