Sensors and Cameras


3D Imaging With National Instruments’ LabVIEW

by Vineet Aggarwal Embedded Systems Group Manager National Instruments This is a reprint of a National Instruments-published white paper, which is also available here. Overview 3D imaging technology has come a long way from its roots in academic research labs, and thanks to innovations in sensors, lighting and most importantly, embedded processing, 3D vision is […]

3D Imaging With National Instruments’ LabVIEW Read More +

Figure 3_IP Rated Smart Camera

Eight Considerations When Evaluating a Smart Camera

By Carlton Heard Product Engineer – Vision Hardware and Software National Instruments With the increase in performance and decrease in cost, smart cameras have become increasingly more accessible over the past decade. Given this trend, how do you determine which smart camera best meets your needs or decide if a smart camera is appropriate for

Eight Considerations When Evaluating a Smart Camera Read More +


Post-Capture Selective Focus: A Video-Capable DSLR Lets You Put The Concept To The Test

Interested in trying out plenoptic light field camera technology, but don't have access to a Lytro camera (or for that matter, a Toshiba sensor prototype)? The Chaos Collective has developed a free online tool that enables you to approximate the approach using a recent-model DSLR that's capable of capturing not only still images but also

Post-Capture Selective Focus: A Video-Capable DSLR Lets You Put The Concept To The Test Read More +


Post-Capture Selective Focus: Toshiba’s Prototype Puts Lytro On Notice

Plenoptic camera technology, most commonly known nowadays by virtue of Lytro's ongoing promotion of the concept (and sales of the first-generation implementation), has received primary mainstream attention to date because the light field-based approach allows for post-capture selective focus on particular depth regions of an image. However, embedded vision advocates likely are alternatively intrigued by

Post-Capture Selective Focus: Toshiba’s Prototype Puts Lytro On Notice Read More +


Lytro: The Plenoptic Camera’s Feature Set Continues To Grow

Lytro's light ray-based plenoptic camera technology, which enables post-capture selective focus on any particular depth region of an image, has received periodic mention on this site. Back in October of last year, for example, I covered the cameras' initial unveiling. And more recently, BDTI engineers Eric Gregori and Shehrzad Qureshi discussed the underlying technology in

Lytro: The Plenoptic Camera’s Feature Set Continues To Grow Read More +

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: “Image Sensor Options and Trends for Embedded Vision,” Eric Gregori, BDTI

Eric Gregori, senior software engineer and embedded vision specialist at BDTI, presents the "Image Sensor Options and Trends for Embedded Vision" tutorial at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Topics discussed by Gregori in his presentation include the differences between CCDs and CMOS 2D sensors, the three primary types of 3D sensors (stereo, structured light,

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: “Image Sensor Options and Trends for Embedded Vision,” Eric Gregori, BDTI Read More +

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: “Introduction to Embedded Vision,” Jeff Bier, Embedded Vision Alliance

Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and co-founder and president of BDTI, presents the day-opening "Introduction to Embedded Vision" tutorial at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Topics discussed by Bier in his presentation include a technology overview, application examples, hardware, software and development tool trends, and an overview of the Embedded Vision

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: “Introduction to Embedded Vision,” Jeff Bier, Embedded Vision Alliance Read More +


September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Proceedings

The Embedded Vision Summit was held on September 19, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts, as a technical educational forum for engineers interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. The program for the event included the following presentations, whose PDF-formatted foilsets are available for download as a consolidated ZIP… September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Proceedings Read More +


Image Sensors Evolve to Meet Emerging Embedded Vision Needs – Part 2: HDR Processing

by Michael Tusch Founder and CEO Apical Limited This article was originally published at EDN Magazine. It is reprinted here with the permission of EDN. It was adapted from Michael's technical article on the Embedded Vision Alliance website. Part 1 of this article looks at examples of embedded vision and how the technology transition from

Image Sensors Evolve to Meet Emerging Embedded Vision Needs – Part 2: HDR Processing Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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