
“Computer-vision-based 360-degree Video Systems: Architectures, Algorithms and Trade-offs,” a Presentation from videantis

Marco Jacobs, VP of Marketing at videantis, presents the "Computer-vision-based 360-degree Video Systems: Architectures, Algorithms and Trade-offs" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. 360-degree video systems use multiple cameras to capture a complete view of their surroundings. These systems are being adopted in cars, drones, virtual reality, and online streaming systems. At first […]

“Computer-vision-based 360-degree Video Systems: Architectures, Algorithms and Trade-offs,” a Presentation from videantis Read More +

“The Rapid Evolution and Future of Machine Perception,” a Presentation from Google

Jay Yagnik, Head of Machine Perception Research at Google, presents the "Rapid Evolution and Future of Machine Perception" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. With the advent of deep learning, our ability to build systems that derive insights from perceptual data has increased dramatically. Perceptual data dwarfs almost all other data sources in

“The Rapid Evolution and Future of Machine Perception,” a Presentation from Google Read More +

“Time of Flight Sensors: How Do I Choose Them and How Do I Integrate Them?,” a Presentation from Basler

Mark Hebbel, Head of New Business Development at Basler, presents the "Time of Flight Sensors: How Do I Choose Them and How Do I Integrate Them?" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. 3D digitalization of the world is becoming more important. This additional dimension of information allows more real-world perception challenges to be

“Time of Flight Sensors: How Do I Choose Them and How Do I Integrate Them?,” a Presentation from Basler Read More +

“Always-on Vision Becomes a Reality,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Research

Evgeni Gousev, Senior Director at Qualcomm Research, presents the "Always-On Vision Becomes a Reality" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Intelligent devices equipped with human-like senses such as always-on touch, audio and motion detection have enabled a variety of new use cases and applications, transforming the way we interact with each other and

“Always-on Vision Becomes a Reality,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Research Read More +

“Always-on Vision Becomes a Reality,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Research

Evgeni Gousev, Senior Director at Qualcomm Research, presents the "Always-On Vision Becomes a Reality" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Intelligent devices equipped with human-like senses such as always-on touch, audio and motion detection have enabled a variety of new use cases and applications, transforming the way we interact with each other and

“Always-on Vision Becomes a Reality,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Research Read More +

“Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the Edge,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Technologies

Michael Mangan, a member of the Product Manager Staff at Qualcomm Technologies, presents the "Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the Edge" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Computer vision and machine learning techniques are applied to myriad use cases in smartphones today. As mobile technology expands beyond the smartphone vertical, both technologies

“Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the Edge,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Technologies Read More +

“Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the Edge,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Technologies

Michael Mangan, a member of the Product Manager Staff at Qualcomm Technologies, presents the "Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the Edge" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Computer vision and machine learning techniques are applied to myriad use cases in smartphones today. As mobile technology expands beyond the smartphone vertical, both technologies

“Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the Edge,” a Presentation from Qualcomm Technologies Read More +

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors

Ali Osman Ors, Director of Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors at NXP Semiconductors, presents the "Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. A diverse set of sensor technologies is available and emerging to provide vehicle autonomy or driver assistance. These sensor technologies often

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors Read More +

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors

Ali Osman Ors, Director of Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors at NXP Semiconductors, presents the "Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. A diverse set of sensor technologies is available and emerging to provide vehicle autonomy or driver assistance. These sensor technologies often

“Choosing the Optimum Mix of Sensors for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors Read More +

“Implementing an Optimized CNN Traffic Sign Recognition Solution,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors and Au-Zone Technologies

Rafal Malewski, Head of the Graphics Technology Engineering Center at NXP Semiconductors, and Sébastien Taylor, Vision Technology Architect at Au-Zone Technologies, present the "Implementing an Optimized CNN Traffic Sign Recognition Solution" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Now that the benefits of using deep neural networks for image classification are well known, the

“Implementing an Optimized CNN Traffic Sign Recognition Solution,” a Presentation from NXP Semiconductors and Au-Zone Technologies Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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