
“A Shallow Dive into Training Deep Neural Networks,” a Presentation from DeepScale

Sammy Sidhu, Senior Engineer at DeepScale, presents the "A Shallow Dive into Training Deep Neural Networks" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. In this talk, Sidhu introduces the basics of training deep neural network models for vision tasks. He begins by explaining fundamental training concepts and terms, including loss functions and gradients. He […]

“A Shallow Dive into Training Deep Neural Networks,” a Presentation from DeepScale Read More +

“Demystifying Deep Neural Networks,” a Presentation from BDTI

Shehrzad Qureshi, Senior Engineer at BDTI, presents the "Demystifying Deep Neural Networks" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. What are deep neural networks, and how do they work? In this talk, Qureshi provides an introduction to deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which have recently demonstrated impressive success on a wide range of vision

“Demystifying Deep Neural Networks,” a Presentation from BDTI Read More +

“1,000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance

Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and Co-founder and President of BDTI, presents the "1000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Just a few years ago, it was inconceivable that everyday devices would incorporate visual intelligence. Now it’s clear

“1,000X in Three Years: How Embedded Vision is Transitioning from Exotic to Everyday,” a Presentation from the Embedded Vision Alliance Read More +

“Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from Michael Tusch

Michael Tusch presents the "Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Within the next few years, network cameras will cease to be regarded primarily as image capture devices. They will instead transform into intelligent data capture nodes whose functionality will in many, but not

“Video Cameras Without Video: Opportunities For Sensing With Embedded Vision,” a Presentation from Michael Tusch Read More +

“Computer Vision on ARM: The Spirit Object Detection Accelerator,” a Presentation from ARM

Tim Hartley, Senior Product Manager in the Imaging and Vision Group at ARM, presents the "Computer Vision on ARM: The Spirit Object Detection Accelerator" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. In 2016, ARM released Spirit, a dedicated object detection accelerator, bringing industry-leading levels of power- and area-efficiency to computer vision workflows. In this

“Computer Vision on ARM: The Spirit Object Detection Accelerator,” a Presentation from ARM Read More +

“Making OpenCV Code Run Fast,” a Presentation from Intel

Vadim Pisarevsky, Software Engineering Manager at Intel, presents the "Making OpenCV Code Run Fast" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. OpenCV is the de facto standard framework for computer vision developers, with a 16+ year history,  approximately one million lines of code, thousands of algorithms and tens of thousands of unit tests. While

“Making OpenCV Code Run Fast,” a Presentation from Intel Read More +

“The Battle Between Traditional Algorithms and Deep Learning: The 3 Year Horizon,” a Presentation from Intel’s Movidius Group

Cormac Brick, Director of Machine Intelligence for Intel's Movidius Group, presents the "The Battle Between Traditional Algorithms and Deep Learning: The 3 Year Horizon" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. Deep learning techniques are gaining in popularity for many vision tasks. Will they soon dominate every facet of embedded vision? Cormac Brick from

“The Battle Between Traditional Algorithms and Deep Learning: The 3 Year Horizon,” a Presentation from Intel’s Movidius Group Read More +

“How to Start an Embedded Vision Company,” a Presentation from Cognite Ventures

Chris Rowen, CEO of Cognite Ventures, presents the "How to Start an Embedded Vision Company" tutorial at the May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit. This talk outlines the essential opportunity and daunting challenges of building significant new companies based on deep learning technology, specifically in vision systems. It draws on presenter Chris Rowen's long experience as

“How to Start an Embedded Vision Company,” a Presentation from Cognite Ventures Read More +


May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit Slides

The Embedded Vision Summit was held on May 1-3, 2017 in Santa Clara, California, as a educational forum for product creators interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. The presentations delivered at the Summit are listed below. All of the slides from these presentations are included in… May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit

May 2017 Embedded Vision Summit Slides Read More +


The Internet of Things That See: Opportunities, Techniques and Challenges

This article was originally published at the 2017 Embedded World Conference. With the emergence of increasingly capable processors, image sensors, and algorithms, it's becoming practical to incorporate computer vision capabilities into a wide range of systems, enabling them to analyze their environments via video inputs. This article explores the opportunity for embedded vision, compares various

The Internet of Things That See: Opportunities, Techniques and Challenges Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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