
“Deploying Embedded Vision for Retail Analytics,” a Presentation from RetailNext

RetailNext's Mark Jamtgaard, Director of Technology, and Bill Adamec, Research and Development Manager, deliver the presentation "Deploying Embedded Vision for Retail Analytics" at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Jamtgaard and Adamec Chehebar explain how retailers are using embedded vision to optimize store layout and staffing based on measured customer behavior at scale.

“Deploying Embedded Vision for Retail Analytics,” a Presentation from RetailNext Read More +

“New Standards for Embedded Vision and Neural Networks,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group

Peter McGuinness, representing the Khronos Group, delivers the presentation "New Standards for Embedded Vision and Neural Networks" at the December 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. McGuinness discusses new standardization work for embedded neural network and vision software.

“New Standards for Embedded Vision and Neural Networks,” a Presentation from the Khronos Group Read More +

Facial Analysis Delivers Diverse Vision Processing Capabilities

Computers can learn a lot about a person from their face – even if they don’t uniquely identify that person. Assessments of age range, gender, ethnicity, gaze direction, attention span, emotional state and other attributes are all now possible at real-time speeds, via advanced algorithms running on cost-effective hardware. This article provides an overview of

Facial Analysis Delivers Diverse Vision Processing Capabilities Read More +


Deep Learning with INT8 Optimization on Xilinx Devices

This is a reprint of a Xilinx-published white paper which is also available here (1 MB PDF). Xilinx INT8 optimization provide the best performance and most power efficient computational techniques for deep learning inference. Xilinx's integrated DSP architecture can achieve 1.75X solution-level performance at INT8 deep learning operations than other FPGA DSP architectures. ABSTRACT The

Deep Learning with INT8 Optimization on Xilinx Devices Read More +

“Energy-efficient Hardware for Embedded Vision and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,” a Presentation from MIT

Vivienne Sze, Assistant Professor at MIT, delivers the presentation "Energy-efficient Hardware for Embedded Vision and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" at the September 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Sze describes the results of her team's recent research on optimized hardware for deep learning. Followup: per Professor Sze, "Slides available at:".

“Energy-efficient Hardware for Embedded Vision and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,” a Presentation from MIT Read More +

“Enabling Efficient Heterogeneous Processing Through Coherency,” a Presentation from the HSA Foundation

Dr. John Glossner, President of the HSA Foundation and CEO of GPT-US, delivers the presentation "Enabling Efficient Heterogeneous Processing Through Coherency" at the September 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Glossner describes the organization's goals and deliverables for enabling heterogeneous programming.

“Enabling Efficient Heterogeneous Processing Through Coherency,” a Presentation from the HSA Foundation Read More +

“What’s Augmented? What’s Reality?,” a Presentation from PTC

Jay Wright, President and General Manager of Vuforia at PTC, delivers the presentation "What's Augmented? What's Reality?" at the September 2016 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. Wright provides insights on augmented reality markets, applications and technology.

“What’s Augmented? What’s Reality?,” a Presentation from PTC Read More +

“Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles,” a Keynote Presentation from NASA JPL

Larry Matthies, senior research scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, presents the "Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles" keynote at the May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit. Say you’re an autonomous rover and you’ve just landed on Mars. Vexing questions now confront you: “Where am I and how am I moving?”

“Using Vision to Enable Autonomous Land, Sea and Air Vehicles,” a Keynote Presentation from NASA JPL Read More +

Vision Processing Opportunities in Drones

UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), commonly known as drones, are a rapidly growing market and increasingly leverage embedded vision technology for digital video stabilization, autonomous navigation, and terrain analysis, among other functions. This article reviews drone market sizes and trends, and then discusses embedded vision technology applications in drones, such as image quality optimization, autonomous navigation,

Vision Processing Opportunities in Drones Read More +

“Dataflow: Where Power Budgets Are Won and Lost,” a Presentation from Movidius

Sofiane Yous, Principal Scientist in the machine intelligence group at Movidius, presents the "Dataflow: Where Power Budgets Are Won and Lost" tutorial at the May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit. This presentation showcases stories from the front lines in the battle between power and performance in embedded vision, deep learning and computational imaging applications. First, Youse

“Dataflow: Where Power Budgets Are Won and Lost,” a Presentation from Movidius Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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