
“ADAS: What’s Working and What Isn’t?,” An Interview by the Ojo-Yoshida Report with TechInsights

Ian Riches, Vice President of the Global Automotive Practice for TechInsights, talks with Junko Yoshida, Editor-in-Chief of the Ojo-Yoshida Report, for the “ADAS: What’s Working and What Isn’t?” interview at the May 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. This engaging onstage interview delves into the latest developments and most important trends in advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). Junko […]

“ADAS: What’s Working and What Isn’t?,” An Interview by the Ojo-Yoshida Report with TechInsights Read More +

“ADAS and AV Sensors: What’s Winning and Why?,” a Presentation from TechInsights

Ian Riches, Vice President of the Global Automotive Practice at TechInsights, presents the “ADAS and AV Sensors: What’s Winning and Why?” tutorial at the May 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. It’s clear that the number of sensors per vehicle—and the sophistication of these sensors—is growing rapidly, largely thanks to increased adoption of advanced safety and driver

“ADAS and AV Sensors: What’s Winning and Why?,” a Presentation from TechInsights Read More +

Intel Joins the MLCommons AI Safety Working Group

Intel joins group of leading AI industry and academia experts to establish standard AI safety benchmarks that will guide responsible AI development. What’s New: Today, Intel announced it is joining the new MLCommons AI Safety (AIS) working group alongside artificial intelligence experts from industry and academia. As a founding member, Intel will contribute its expertise and

Intel Joins the MLCommons AI Safety Working Group Read More +

“Computer Vision in Sports: Scalable Solutions for Downmarkets,” a Presentation from Sportlogiq

Mehrsan Javan, Co-founder and CTO of Sportlogiq, presents the “Computer Vision in Sports: Scalable Solutions for Downmarket Leagues” tutorial at the May 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Sports analytics is about observing, understanding and describing the game in an intelligent manner. In practice, this requires a fully automated, robust end-to-end pipeline, spanning from visual input, to

“Computer Vision in Sports: Scalable Solutions for Downmarkets,” a Presentation from Sportlogiq Read More +

A Guide to Optimizing Transformer-based Models for Faster Inference

This article was originally published at Tryolabs’ website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Tryolabs. Have you ever suffered from high inference time when working with Transformers? In this blog post, we will show you how to optimize and deploy your model to improve speed up to x10! If you have been keeping

A Guide to Optimizing Transformer-based Models for Faster Inference Read More +

“Detecting Data Drift in Image Classification Neural Networks,” a Presentation from Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Spyros Tragoudas, Professor and School Director at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, presents the “Detecting Data Drift in Image Classification Neural Networks” tutorial at the May 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. An unforeseen change in the input data is called “drift,” and may impact the accuracy of machine learning models. In this talk, Tragoudas presents a novel

“Detecting Data Drift in Image Classification Neural Networks,” a Presentation from Southern Illinois University Carbondale Read More +

Getting Personal with On-device AI

This blog post was originally published at Qualcomm’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Qualcomm. Personalized AI enhances users’ overall experience by providing tailored solutions to meet their individual needs In the mid-50’s, Julie Andrews had the world singing, “Getting to know you; getting to know all about you,” and now, this

Getting Personal with On-device AI Read More +

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit “Zero to Hero”: Setup Tips and Tricks

This article was originally published at Tenyks’ website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Tenyks. A quick setup guide for an NVIDIA TAO Toolkit (v3 & v4) object detection pipeline for edge computing, including tips & tricks and common pitfalls. ‍This article will help you setup an NVIDIA TAO Toolkit (v3 & v4)

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit “Zero to Hero”: Setup Tips and Tricks Read More +

“Deep Neural Network Training: Diagnosing Problems and Implementing Solutions,” a Presentation from Sensor Cortek

Fahed Hassanat, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Engineering at Sensor Cortek, presents the “Deep Neural Network Training: Diagnosing Problems and Implementing Solutions” tutorial at the May 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. In this presentation, Hassanat delves into some of the most common problems that arise when training deep neural networks. He provides a brief overview

“Deep Neural Network Training: Diagnosing Problems and Implementing Solutions,” a Presentation from Sensor Cortek Read More +

The Future of Vision: Edge AI Breaks Barriers for Data-intensive Applications

This blog post was originally published at Arm’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Arm. Transforming industries and enhancing efficiency with cutting-edge AI vision technology. One of the most promising applications of IoT AI vision technology is to capture consumer data inside stores so retailers can more quickly and efficiently optimize product

The Future of Vision: Edge AI Breaks Barriers for Data-intensive Applications Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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